
Yasushi Hirano

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14EEMehrdad Panahpour Tehrani, Kenta Niwa, Norishige Fukushima, Yasushi Hirano, Toshiaki Fujii, Masayuki Tanimoto, Kazuya Takeda, Kenji Mase, Akio Ishikawa, Shigeyuki Sakazawa, Atsushi Koike: 3DAV integrated system featuring arbitrary listening-point and viewpoint generation. MMSP 2008: 855-860
13EETomoyuki Morita, Kenji Mase, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kajita: Reciprocal attentive communication in remote meeting with a humanoid robot. ICMI 2007: 228-235
12EEYuichi Sawamoto, Yuichi Koyama, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kajita, Kenji Mase, Kimiko Katsuyama, Kazunobu Yamauchi: Extraction of important interactions in medical interviewsusing nonverbal information. ICMI 2007: 82-85
11EEHisashi Naito, Shoji Kajita, Yasushi Hirano, Kenji Mase: Multiple-Tiered Security Hierarchy for Web Applications Using Central Authentication and Authorization Service. SAINT Workshops 2007: 27
10EEKosuke Akune, Kenji Mase, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kajita: Discussion Support System for Video-oriented Sports Meetings. ICICIC (2) 2006: 561-564
9EEKenji Matsuzawa, Kenji Mase, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kajita: Experience Map Creation by Virtual WLAN Location Estimation. ISWC 2006: 117-118
8EEMehrdad Panahpour Tehrani, Yasushi Hirano, Toshiaki Fujii, Shoji Kajita, Kazuya Takeda, Masayuki Tanimoto, Kenji Mase: The sound wave ray-space. ICME 2005: 1118-1121
7EETomoyuki Morita, Yasushi Hirano, Yasuyuki Sumi, Shoji Kajita, Kenji Mase: A pattern mining method for interpretation of interaction. ICMI 2005: 267-273
6EEYasushi Hirano, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Kenji Eguchi: Interactive method to extract tumor regions from chest X-ray CT images and its application to benign/malignant discrimination. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(8): 90-101 (2005)
5 Yasushi Hirano, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Kenji Eguchi: Recognition of boundary voxels of tumors in chest CT images for extraction of tumor regions. CARS 2004: 1359
4EEYasushi Hirano, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Kenji Eguchi: Quantification of Shrinkage of Lung Lobe from Chest CT Images Using the 3D Extended Voronoi Division and its Application to the Benign/Malignant Discrimination of Tumor Shadows. ICPR (1) 2002: 751-754
3EEYasushi Hirano, Yoshito Mekada, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki: Quantification of the Spatial Distributionof Line Segments with Applications to CADof Chest X-Ray CT Images. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 2002: 22-38
2 Yasushi Hirano, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Kenji Eguchi: Extraction of tumor regions keeping boundary shape information from chest X-ray CT images and benign/malignant discrimination. CARS 2001: 659-664
1EEYasushi Hirano, Akinobu Shimizu, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki: A tracking algorithm for extracting ridge lines in three-dimensional gray images using curvature of four-dimensional hypersurface. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(12): 25-37 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Kosuke Akune [10]
2Kenji Eguchi [2] [4] [5] [6]
3Toshiaki Fujii [8] [14]
4Norishige Fukushima [14]
5Jun-ichi Hasegawa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Akio Ishikawa [14]
7Shoji Kajita [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
8Kimiko Katsuyama [12]
9Atsushi Koike [14]
10Yuichi Koyama [12]
11Kenji Mase [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
12Kenji Matsuzawa [9]
13Yoshito Mekada [3]
14Tomoyuki Morita [7] [13]
15Hisashi Naito [11]
16Kenta Niwa [14]
17Hironobu Ohmatsu [2] [4] [5] [6]
18Shigeyuki Sakazawa [14]
19Yuichi Sawamoto [12]
20Akinobu Shimizu [1]
21Yasuyuki Sumi [7]
22Kazuya Takeda [8] [14]
23Masayuki Tanimoto [8] [14]
24Mehrdad Panahpour Tehrani [8] [14]
25Jun-ichiro Toriwaki [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
26Kazunobu Yamauchi [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)