
Yuzo Hirai

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12 Junji Yamashita, Yuzo Hirai: Blind source separation using orientation histograms in joint mixture distributions. Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2004: 152-157
11EEYuzo Hirai, Kuninori Nishizawa: Hardware Implementation of a PCA Learning Network by an Asynchronous PDM Digital Circuit. IJCNN (2) 2000: 65-70
10EEMasaki Kawamura, M. Okada, Yuzo Hirai: Dynamics of selective recall in an associative memory model with one-to-many associations. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(3): 704-713 (1999)
9 Hideki Toda, Yuzo Hirai: Summation Characteristics of PDM Digital Neural Network System. ICONIP 1998: 574-57
8 Kuninori Nishizawa, Yuzo Hirai: Hardware Implementation of PCA Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 85-88
7 Man On Pun, Yuzo Hirai: A Variable Step (VS) Learning Algorithm for Blind Source Separation (BSS). NC 1998: 445-450
6 Yuzo Hirai: A 1, 000-Neuron System with One Million 7-bit Physical Interconnections. NIPS 1997
5EEMasaki Kawamura, Yuzo Hirai: Storage capacity analysis of a model of human associative processing (HASP). Systems and Computers in Japan 28(1): 24-33 (1997)
4 Yuzo Hirai: Hardware implementation of neural networks in Japan. Neurocomputing 5(1): 3-16 (1993)
3EEYuzo Hirai: Recent VLSI neural networks in Japan. VLSI Signal Processing 6(1): 7-18 (1993)
2EEWookhyun Kim, Takashi Furukawa, Yuzo Hirai, Ryuji Tokunaga: Extraction and Reconstruction of Road Segments by Spatial Filters. MVA 1992: 515-518
1EEMiyuki Kawashima, Ryuji Tokunaga, Yuzo Hirai: Contour Map Reconstruction via Multi-Module Parallel Computational Scheme. MVA 1992: 87-92

Coauthor Index

1Takashi Furukawa [2]
2Masaki Kawamura [5] [10]
3Miyuki Kawashima [1]
4Wookhyun Kim [2]
5Kuninori Nishizawa [8] [11]
6M. Okada [10]
7Man On Pun [7]
8Hideki Toda [9]
9Ryuji Tokunaga [1] [2]
10Junji Yamashita [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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