
Konrad Hinsen

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7EEKonrad Hinsen: Structural flexibility in proteins: impact of the crystal environment. Bioinformatics 24(4): 521-528 (2008)
6EEKonrad Hinsen, Hans Petter Langtangen, Ola Skavhaug, Åsmund Ødegård: Using B SP and Python to simplify parallel programming. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(1-2): 123-157 (2006)
5EETomasz Róg, Krzysztof Murzyn, Konrad Hinsen, G. R. Kneller: nMoldyn: A program package for a neutron scattering oriented analysis of molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(5): 657-667 (2003)
4EEKonrad Hinsen: High-Level Parallel Software Development with Python and BSP. Parallel Processing Letters 13(3): 473-484 (2003)
3EEKonrad Hinsen: High-Level Scientific Programming with Python. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 691-700
2EEKonrad Hinsen: The molecular modeling toolkit: A new approach to molecular simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(2): 79-85 (2000)
1EEKonrad Hinsen, Benoît Roux: A potential function for computer simulation studies of proton transfer in acetylacetone. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(3): 368-380 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1G. R. Kneller [5]
2Hans Petter Langtangen [6]
3Krzysztof Murzyn [5]
4Åsmund Ødegård [6]
5Tomasz Róg [5]
6Benoît Roux [1]
7Ola Skavhaug [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)