
Roland Hinnion

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11EERoland Hinnion: Intensional Positive Set Theory. Reports on Mathematical Logic 40: 107-125 (2006)
10 Roland Hinnion, Thierry Libert: Positive abstraction and extensionality. J. Symb. Log. 68(3): 828-836 (2003)
9EEOlivier Esser, Roland Hinnion: Tree-Properties for Ordered Sets. Math. Log. Q. 48(2): 213-219 (2002)
8EEOlivier Esser, Roland Hinnion: Combinatorial Criteria for Ramifiable Ordered Sets. Math. Log. Q. 47(4): 539-555 (2001)
7EEOlivier Esser, Roland Hinnion: Large Cardinals and Ramifiability for Directed Sets. Math. Log. Q. 46(1): 25-34 (2000)
6EEDaniel Dzierzgowski, Olivier Esser, Roland Hinnion: Fixed-points of Set-continuous Operators. Math. Log. Q. 46(2): 183-198 (2000)
5 Olivier Esser, Roland Hinnion: Antifoundation and Transitive Closure in the System of Zermelo. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40(2): 197-205 (1999)
4 Roland Hinnion: Ramifiable Directed Sets. Math. Log. Q. 44: 216-228 (1998)
3 Roland Hinnion: Directed Sets and Malitz-Cauchy-Completions. Math. Log. Q. 43: 465-484 (1997)
2 Roland Hinnion: Naive Set Theory with Extensionality in Partial Logic and in Paradoxical Logic. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35(1): 15-40 (1994)
1 Marco Forti, Roland Hinnion: The Consistency Problem for Positive Comprehension Principles. J. Symb. Log. 54(4): 1401-1418 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Dzierzgowski [6]
2Olivier Esser [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Marco Forti [1]
4Thierry Libert [10]

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