
Evor L. Hines

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7EEXuQin Li, Carlos Ramirez, Evor L. Hines, Mark S. Leeson, Phil Purnell, Mark Pharaoh: Pattern recognition of fiber-reinforced plastic failure mechanism using computational intelligence techniques. IJCNN 2008: 2340-2345
6EEAruneema Das, Ross Folland, N. G. Stocks, Evor L. Hines: Stimulus reconstruction from neural spike trains: Are conventional filters suitable for both periodic and aperiodic stimuli? Signal Processing 86(7): 1720-1727 (2006)
5EERoss Folland, Evor L. Hines, Ritaban Dutta, Pascal Boilot, David Morgan: Comparison of neural network predictors in the classification of tracheal-bronchial breath sounds by respiratory auscultation. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 31(3): 211-220 (2004)
4EERitaban Dutta, K. R. Kashwan, M. Bhuyan, Evor L. Hines, J. W. Gardner: Electronic nose based tea quality standardization. Neural Networks 16(5-6): 847-853 (2003)
3 A. C. Pardoe, David A. Hutchins, J. Toby Mottram, Evor L. Hines: Neural Networks Apllied to Ultrasonic Tomographic Image Reconstruction. Neural Computing and Applications 5(2): 106-123 (1997)
2 A. B. Larkin, Evor L. Hines, S. M. Thomas: The Euclidean Memory Array-A Vector Quantisation Technique for the Processing of Data from Interview Forms. Neural Computing and Applications 2(1): 53-58 (1994)
1EEEvor L. Hines, P. A. Watson: Application of edge detection techniques to detection of the bright band in radar data. Image Vision Comput. 1(4): 221-226 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1M. Bhuyan [4]
2Pascal Boilot [5]
3Aruneema Das [6]
4Ritaban Dutta [4] [5]
5Ross Folland [5] [6]
6J. W. Gardner [4]
7David A. Hutchins [3]
8K. R. Kashwan [4]
9A. B. Larkin [2]
10Mark S. Leeson [7]
11XuQin Li [7]
12David Morgan [5]
13J. Toby Mottram [3]
14A. C. Pardoe [3]
15Mark Pharaoh [7]
16Phil Purnell [7]
17Carlos Ramirez [7]
18N. G. Stocks [6]
19S. M. Thomas [2]
20P. A. Watson [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)