
Srichand Hinduja

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5EEMohd Salman Abu Mansor, Srichand Hinduja, Oladele Owodunni: Voronoi diagram-based tool path compensations for removing uncut material in 21/2D pocket machining. Computer-Aided Design 38(3): 194-209 (2006)
4EEDerek Sandiford, Srichand Hinduja: Construction of feature volumes using intersection of adjacent surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 33(6): 455-473 (2001)
3EEX. Xu, Srichand Hinduja: Recognition of rough machining features in 2D components. Computer-Aided Design 30(7): 503-516 (1998)
2EEA. Guerra, Srichand Hinduja: Modelling turned components with non-axisymmetric features. Computer-Aided Design 29(5): 343-359 (1997)
1EEJ. C. E. Ferreira, Srichand Hinduja: Convex hull-based feature-recognition method for 2.5D components. Computer-Aided Design 22(1): 41-49 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1J. C. E. Ferreira [1]
2A. Guerra [2]
3Mohd Salman Abu Mansor [5]
4Oladele Owodunni [5]
5Derek Sandiford [4]
6X. Xu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)