
Stephen Hinde

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46 Stephen Hinde: Time cost$ money. Computers & Security 22(1): 14-21 (2003)
45 Stephen Hinde: The law, cybercrime, risk assessment and cyber protection. Computers & Security 22(2): 90-95 (2003)
44EEStephen Hinde: Cyber-terrorism in context. Computers & Security 22(3): 188-192 (2003)
43EEStephen Hinde: Careless about privacy. Computers & Security 22(4): 284-288 (2003)
42EEStephen Hinde: Privacy legislation: a comparison of the US and European approaches. Computers & Security 22(5): 378-387 (2003)
41EEStephen Hinde: Spam: the evolution of a nuisance. Computers & Security 22(6): 474-478 (2003)
40EEStephen Hinde: Nimbyism, dominoes and creaking infrastructure. Computers & Security 22(7): 570-576 (2003)
39EEStephen Hinde: Computer security: Mapping the future. Computers & Security 22(8): 664-669 (2003)
38 Stephen Hinde: 2001: A Privacy Odyssey Revisited. Computers & Security 21(1): 16-34 (2002)
37 Stephen Hinde: It Was Déjá vu all Over Again. Computers & Security 21(3): 212-21 (2002)
36 Stephen Hinde: Security surveys spring crop. Computers & Security 21(4): 310-321 (2002)
35 Stephen Hinde: The perils of privacy. Computers & Security 21(5): 424-432 (2002)
34 Stephen Hinde: The Blue Screen of Death and other deadly bugs. Computers & Security 21(6): 491-496 (2002)
33 Stephen Hinde: Spam, scams, chains, hoaxes and other junk mail. Computers & Security 21(7): 592-606 (2002)
32 Stephen Hinde: Compsec 2002: the complete security circle. Computers & Security 21(8): 689-693 (2002)
31 Stephen Hinde: 2001: A Privacy Odyssey. Computers & Security 20(1): 21-27 (2001)
30 Stephen Hinde: The Search For Privacy. Computers & Security 20(2): 127-131 (2001)
29 Stephen Hinde: The Times They Are A-Changin'. Computers & Security 20(3): 202-206 (2001)
28 Stephen Hinde: The Weakest Link. Computers & Security 20(4): 295-301 (2001)
27 Stephen Hinde: Cyberthreats: Perceptions, Reality and Protection. Computers & Security 20(5): 364-371 (2001)
26 Stephen Hinde: Omnia te adversum spectantia, nulla retorsum*. Computers & Security 20(6): 468-474 (2001)
25 Stephen Hinde: Lessons Learned. Computers & Security 20(7): 561-567 (2001)
24 Stephen Hinde: Incalculable potential for damage by cyber-terrorism. Computers & Security 20(7): 568-572 (2001)
23 Stephen Hinde: If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same.... Computers & Security 20(8): 657-666 (2001)
22 Stephen Hinde: New Millennium, Old Failures. Computers & Security 19(2): 119-127 (2000)
21 Stephen Hinde: Life Was Simple Then. Computers & Security 19(3): 222-229 (2000)
20 Stephen Hinde: Smurfing, Swamping, Spamming, Spoofing, Squatting, Slandering, Surfing, Scamming and Other Mischiefs of the World Wide Web. Computers & Security 19(4): 312-320 (2000)
19 Stephen Hinde: Love Conquers All? Computers & Security 19(5): 408-420 (2000)
18 Stephen Hinde: Fireworks, Beer and Old Halfpennies - The Risks of Assumption. Computers & Security 19(6): 499-504 (2000)
17 Stephen Hinde: Do You Know Your Organization's Achilles Heel? Computers & Security 19(7): 585-590 (2000)
16 Stephen Hinde: New Names For Old - A Personal Surf Through Compsec 200. Computers & Security 19(8): 679-687 (2000)
15EEStephen Hinde: One down, one to go. Computers & Security 18(1): 19-22 (1999)
14EEStephen Hinde: Year 2000 update. Computers & Security 18(2): 113-119 (1999)
13EEStephen Hinde: Are you in control? Computers & Security 18(3): 199-203 (1999)
12EEStephen Hinde: E for exponential growth. Computers & Security 18(4): 295-299 (1999)
11EEStephen Hinde: E-mail can seriously damage your health. Computers & Security 18(5): 396-406 (1999)
10EEStephen Hinde: The bell tolls for the bell-shaped curve: or how hot magnets, species distribution and things that go bump in the air will change our view of risk. Computers & Security 18(7): 565-572 (1999)
9EEStephen Hinde: Step into a secure new world - Compsec '99 report. Computers & Security 18(8): 660-669 (1999)
8EEStephen Hinde: Hot water, icebergs and other disasters. Computers & Security 17(1): 31-33 (1998)
7EEStephen Hinde: Cyber Wars and other threats. Computers & Security 17(2): 115-118 (1998)
6EEStephen Hinde: Recent security surveys. Computers & Security 17(3): 207-210 (1998)
5EEStephen Hinde: Contingency planning for the millenium. Computers & Security 17(4): 299-302 (1998)
4EEStephen Hinde: Solar radiation is bad for you. Computers & Security 17(5): 385-388 (1998)
3EEStephen Hinde: Privacy and security - The drivers for growth of E-Commerce. Computers & Security 17(6): 475-478 (1998)
2EEStephen Hinde: Corporate governance and disasters. Computers & Security 17(7): 583-585 (1998)
1EEStephen Hinde: Time, history and war: A personal voyage through Compsec '98. Computers & Security 17(8): 671-681 (1998)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)