
Johan Himberg

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6EEJani Mäntyjärvi, Kjell Nybergh, Johan Himberg, Kari Hjelt: Touch Detection System for Mobile Terminals. Mobile HCI 2004: 331-336
5EEJohan Himberg, Jonna Häkkilä, Petri Kangas, Jani Mäntyjärvi: On-line personalization of a touch screen based keyboard. IUI 2003: 77-84
4EEJani Mäntyjärvi, Johan Himberg, Pertti Huuskonen: Collaborative Context Recognition for Handheld Devices. PerCom 2003: 161-168
3EEJohn A. Flanagan, Jani Mäntyjärvi, Johan Himberg: Unsupervised Clustering of Symbol Strings and Context Recognition. ICDM 2002: 171-178
2EEJohan Himberg, Kalle Korpiaho, Heikki Mannila, Johanna Tikanmäki, Hannu Toivonen: Time Series Segmentation for Context Recognition in Mobile Devices. ICDM 2001: 203-210
1EEJohan Himberg: A SOM Based Cluster Visualization and Its Application for False Coloring. IJCNN (3) 2000: 587-592

Coauthor Index

1John A. Flanagan [3]
2Jonna Häkkilä [5]
3Kari Hjelt [6]
4Pertti Huuskonen [4]
5Petri Kangas [5]
6Kalle Korpiaho [2]
7Heikki Mannila [2]
8Jani Mäntyjärvi [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Kjell Nybergh [6]
10Johanna Tikanmäki [2]
11Hannu Toivonen [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)