
Robin L. Hill

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3EEMary Ellen Foster, Ellen Gurman Bard, Markus Guhe, Robin L. Hill, Jon Oberlander, Alois Knoll: The roles of haptic-ostensive referring expressions in cooperative, task-based human-robot dialogue. HRI 2008: 295-302
2EEAnna Dickinson, Michael J. Smith, John L. Arnott, Alan F. Newell, Robin L. Hill: Approaches to web search and navigation for older computer novices. CHI 2007: 281-290
1EEAnna Dickinson, Alan F. Newell, Michael J. Smith, Robin L. Hill: Introducing the Internet to the over-60s: Developing an email system for older novice computer users. Interacting with Computers 17(6): 621-642 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1John L. Arnott [2]
2Ellen Gurman Bard [3]
3Anna Dickinson [1] [2]
4Mary Ellen Foster [3]
5Markus Guhe [3]
6Alois Knoll [3]
7Alan F. Newell [1] [2]
8Jon Oberlander [3]
9Michael J. Smith [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)