
Bernhard Hill

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7EEYoshinori Akao, Norimichi Tsumura, Yoichi Miyake, Patrick G. Herzog, Bernhard Hill: Efficient Gonio-Spectral Imaging for Diffuse Objects Based on Optical Reflectance Properties. PICS 2003: 188-193
6EEThomas Boosmann, Bernhard Hill: Control Algorithm for 6-Primary Displays Minimizing Effects of Observer Metamerism. PICS 2003: 244-249
5EEPatrick G. Herzog, Bernhard Hill: Multispectral Imaging and Its Applications in Textile Industry and Related Fields. PICS 2003: 258-263
4EEFriedhelm König, Kenro Ohsawa, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Nagaaki Ohyama, Bernhard Hill: A Multiprimary Display: Optimized Control Values for Displaying Tristimulus Values. PICS 2002: 215-220
3 Bernhard Hill, Moon-Cheol Kim: LED-illuminated CCD slide scanner with a new concept for color processing. Electronic Imaging 1998: 110-117
2 Bernhard Hill: Multispectral Color Technology: A Way towards High Definition Color Image Scanning and Encoding. Electronic Imaging 1998: 2-13
1EEBernhard Hill, Th. Roger, F. W. Vorhagen: Comparative Analysis of the Quantization of Color Spaces on the Basis of the CIELAB Color-Difference Formula. ACM Trans. Graph. 16(2): 109-154 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Yoshinori Akao [7]
2Thomas Boosmann [6]
3Patrick G. Herzog [5] [7]
4Moon-Cheol Kim [3]
5Friedhelm König [4]
6Yoichi Miyake [7]
7Kenro Ohsawa [4]
8Nagaaki Ohyama [4]
9Th. Roger [1]
10Norimichi Tsumura [7]
11F. W. Vorhagen [1]
12Masahiro Yamaguchi [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)