
Dirk Heuzeroth

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7EEDirk Heuzeroth, Uwe Aßmann, Mircea Trifu, Volker Kuttruff: The COMPOST, COMPASS, Inject/J and RECODER Tool Suite for Invasive Software Composition: Invasive Composition with COMPASS Aspect-Oriented Connectors. GTTSE 2006: 357-377
6EEDirk Heuzeroth: COMPASS: Tool-Supported Adaptation of Interactions. ASE 2004: 286-289
5EEDirk Heuzeroth, Stefan Mandel, Welf Löwe: Generating Design Pattern Detectors from Pattern Specifications. ASE 2003: 245-248
4EEDirk Heuzeroth, Thomas Holl, Gustav Högström, Welf Löwe: Automatic Design Pattern Detection. IWPC 2003: 94-
3EEKai Boellert, Detlef Streitferdt, Dirk Heuzeroth: ICSR7 Young Researchers Workshop. ICSR 2002: 329
2EEDirk Heuzeroth, Welf Löwe, Andreas Ludwig, Uwe Aßmann: Aspect-Oriented Configuration and Adaptation of Component Communication. GCSE 2001: 58-69
1EEAndreas Ludwig, Dirk Heuzeroth: Metaprogramming in the Large. GCSE 2000: 178-187

Coauthor Index

1Uwe Aßmann [2] [7]
2Kai Boellert [3]
3Gustav Högström [4]
4Thomas Holl [4]
5Volker Kuttruff [7]
6Welf Löwe [2] [4] [5]
7Andreas Ludwig [1] [2]
8Stefan Mandel [5]
9Detlef Streitferdt [3]
10Mircea Trifu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)