
Wolfgang Herzner

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8EEStephan Ramberger, Wolfgang Herzner, Erwin Schoitsch, Wilfried Kubinger: TTIPP3 - A fault-tolerant time-triggered platooning demonstrator. WISES 2008: 1-11
7EERupert Schlick, Wolfgang Herzner, Thierry Le Sergent: Checking SCADE Models for Correct Usage of Physical Units. SAFECOMP 2006: 358-371
6EEMartin Schlager, Wolfgang Herzner, Andreas Wolf, Oliver Gründonner, Maximilian Rosenblattl, Erwin Erkinger: Encapsulating Application Subsystems Using the DECOS Core OS. SAFECOMP 2006: 386-397
5EEWolfgang Herzner, Stephan Ramberger, Thomas Länger, Christian Reumann, Thomas Gruber, Christian Sejkora: Comparing Software Measures with Fault Counts Derived from Unit-Testing of Safety-Critical Software. SAFECOMP 2005: 81-93
4 Stephan Ramberger, Thomas Gruber, Wolfgang Herzner: Experience Report: Error Distribution in Safety-Critical Software and Software Risk Analysis Based on Unit Tests. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 72-76
3 Wolfgang Herzner, Matthias Kummer, Michael Thuswald: DVS - A System for Recording, Archiving and Retrieval of Digital Video in Security Environments. HIM 1997: 67-80
2EEWolfgang Herzner, Matthias Kummer: MMV - Synchronizing multimedia documents: An extension of CDA for synchronization and presentation of multimedia documents. Computers & Graphics 17(3): 229-241 (1993)
1 Wolfgang Herzner: Rasche Berechnung perspektiver Darstellungen eindeutiger Funktionen (Flächen) in zwei Variablen. Austrographics 1988: 15-42

Coauthor Index

1Erwin Erkinger [6]
2Thomas Gruber [4] [5]
3Oliver Gründonner [6]
4Wilfried Kubinger [8]
5Matthias Kummer [2] [3]
6Thomas Länger [5]
7Stephan Ramberger [4] [5] [8]
8Christian Reumann [5]
9Maximilian Rosenblattl [6]
10Martin Schlager [6]
11Rupert Schlick [7]
12Erwin Schoitsch [8]
13Christian Sejkora [5]
14Thierry Le Sergent [7]
15Michael Thuswald [3]
16Andreas Wolf [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)