
Andrea Herrmann

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8EEAndrea Herrmann, Daniel Weiß: Alignment of Software Specifications with Quality- and Business Goals in the SIKOSA Methodology. PRIMIUM 2008
7EEAndrea Herrmann, Maya Daneva: Requirements Prioritization Based on Benefit and Cost Prediction: An Agenda for Future Research. RE 2008: 125-134
6EEMaya Daneva, Andrea Herrmann: Requirements Prioritization Based on Benefit and Cost Prediction: A Method Classification Framework. SEAA 2008: 240-247
5 Andrea Herrmann: Qualitätsrisiken und deren Abhängigkeiten. Software Engineering (Workshops) 2008: 457-463
4EEAndrea Herrmann, Barbara Paech: MOQARE: misuse-oriented quality requirements engineering. Requir. Eng. 13(1): 73-86 (2008)
3EEAndrea Herrmann, Daniel Kerkow, Jörg Dörr: Exploring the Characteristics of NFR Methods - A Dialogue About Two Approaches. REFSQ 2007: 320-334
2 Ralf Fahney, Andrea Herrmann, Rüdiger Weißbach: WH5: Wie viel Requirements Engineering steckt im Software Engineering? Software Engineering 2007: 303-304
1EEAndrea Herrmann, Barbara Paech, Damian Plaza: Icrad: an Integrated Process for the Solution of Requirements Conflicts and Architectural Design. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(6): 917-950 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Maya Daneva [6] [7]
2Jörg Dörr [3]
3Ralf Fahney [2]
4Daniel Kerkow [3]
5Barbara Paech [1] [4]
6Damian Plaza [1]
7Daniel Weiß [8]
8Rüdiger Weißbach [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)