
Aurora Hermoso-Carazo

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24EEAurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez, José D. Jiménez-López, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Seiichi Nakamori: Recursive fixed-point smoothing algorithm from covariances based on uncertain observations with correlation in the uncertainty. Applied Mathematics and Computation 203(1): 243-251 (2008)
23EESeiichi Nakamori, María J. García-Ligero, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Filtering in Generalized Signal-Dependent Noise Model Using Covariance Information. IEICE Transactions 91-A(3): 809-817 (2008)
22EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, José D. Jiménez-López, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Recursive Estimation Algorithm Based on Covariances for Uncertainly Observed Signals Correlated with Noise. IEICE Transactions 91-A(7): 1706-1712 (2008)
21EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, José D. Jiménez-López, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Polynomial fixed-point smoothing of uncertainly observed signals based on covariances. Int. J. Systems Science 39(2): 207-216 (2008)
20EEJosé D. Jiménez-López, Josefa Linares-Pérez, Seiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo: Signal estimation based on covariance information from observations featuring correlated uncertainty and coming from multiple sensors. Signal Processing 88(12): 2998-3006 (2008)
19EEAurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Different approaches for state filtering in nonlinear systems with uncertain observations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 187(2): 708-724 (2007)
18EEAurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Extended and unscented filtering algorithms using one-step randomly delayed observations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1375-1393 (2007)
17EESeiichi Nakamori, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Design of fixed-lag smoother using covariance information based on innovations approach in linear discrete-time stochastic systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 193(1): 162-174 (2007)
16EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, J. Jiménez-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Filtering and prediction from uncertain observations with correlated signal and noise via mixture approximations. Signal Processing 87(5): 970-982 (2007)
15EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, José D. Jiménez-López, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Least-squares nuth-order polynomial estimation of signals from observations affected by non-independent uncertainty. Applied Mathematics and Computation 176(2): 642-653 (2006)
14EESeiichi Nakamori, María J. García-Ligero, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Derivation of fixed-interval smoothing algorithm using covariance information in distributed parameter systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 176(2): 662-672 (2006)
13EESeiichi Nakamori, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: A general smoothing equation for signal estimation using randomly delayed observations in the correlated signal-noise case. Digital Signal Processing 16(4): 369-388 (2006)
12EESeiichi Nakamori, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Least-Squares Linear Smoothers from Randomly Delayed Observations with Correlation in the Delay. IEICE Transactions 89-A(2): 486-493 (2006)
11EESeiichi Nakamori, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Linear estimation using covariance information in distributed parameter systems with non-independent uncertainty. Signal Processing 86(10): 3012-3020 (2006)
10EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Recursive estimators of signals from measurements with stochastic delays using covariance information. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(1): 65-79 (2005)
9EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Design of recursive Wiener fixed-point smoothers based on innovations approach in linear discrete-time stochastic systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 165(3): 731-747 (2005)
8EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Fixed-interval smoothing algorithm based on covariances with correlation in the uncertainty. Digital Signal Processing 15(2): 207-221 (2005)
7EESeiichi Nakamori, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Fixed-Lag Smoothing Algorithm under Non-independent Uncertainty. IEICE Transactions 88-A(4): 988-995 (2005)
6EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: New recursive estimators from correlated interrupted observations using covariance information. Int. J. Systems Science 36(10): 617-629 (2005)
5 Seiichi Nakamori, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez, María Isabel Sánchez-Rodríguez: Estimation Algorithm from Randomly Delayed Observations with White Plus Coloured Noises. ICINCO (3) 2004: 19-23
4 Seiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: New Derivation of the Filter and Fixed-Interval Smoother with Correlated Uncertain Observations. ICINCO (3) 2004: 203-207
3 Seiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Polynomial Estimation of Signals from Uncertain Observations Using Covariance Information. ICINCO (3) 2004: 307-311
2 Seiichi Nakamori, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, José D. Jiménez-López, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Continuous-Time Signal Filtering from Non-Independent Uncertain Observations. ICINCO (3) 2004: 324-327
1EESeiichi Nakamori, Raquel Caballero-Águila, Aurora Hermoso-Carazo, Josefa Linares-Pérez: Linear recursive discrete-time estimators using covariance information under uncertain observations. Signal Processing 83(7): 1553-1559 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Raquel Caballero-Águila [1] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [15] [16] [20] [21] [22] [24]
2María J. García-Ligero [14] [23]
3J. Jiménez-Carazo [16]
4José D. Jiménez-López [2] [15] [20] [21] [22] [24]
5Josefa Linares-Pérez [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
6Seiichi Nakamori [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
7María Isabel Sánchez-Rodríguez [5]

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