
Anders Henten

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9EEDan Saugstrup, Anders Henten: Developing Personal Network Business Models. ICMB 2006: 17
8EESu-En Tan, Anders Henten: New Mobile Technologies: Sustaining or Disruptive?. ICMB 2006: 32
7EEAnders Henten, Alexander G. Oest: Copyright: rights-holders, users and innovators. Telematics and Informatics 22(1-2): 1-9 (2005)
6EEMarkus Schneider, Anders Henten: DRMS, TCP and the EUCD: technology and law. Telematics and Informatics 22(1-2): 25-39 (2005)
5 Morten Falch, Anders Henten, Dan Saugstrup, Reza Tadayoni: Convergence - A Challenge for broadband development. Shaping the Broadband Society 2004: 58-70
4EEAnders Henten, Morten Falch, Amos Anyimadu: Telecommunications development in Africa: filling the gap. Telematics and Informatics 21: 1-9 (2004)
3EEAnders Henten, Thomas Myrup Kristensen: Information society visions in the Nordic countries. Telematics and Informatics 17(1-2): 77-103 (2000)
2 Morten Falch, Anders Henten, Knud Erik Skouby: Consumer related legal aspects of electronic commerce: The case of Denmark. HCC 1998: 103-114
1 Morten Falch, Anders Henten, Knud Erik Skouby: Economic Implications of Introduction of New Telecommunication Services. Integrated Broadband Communications 1993: 163-175

Coauthor Index

1Amos Anyimadu [4]
2Morten Falch [1] [2] [4] [5]
3Thomas Myrup Kristensen [3]
4Alexander G. Oest [7]
5Dan Saugstrup [5] [9]
6Markus Schneider [6]
7Knud Erik Skouby [1] [2]
8Reza Tadayoni [5]
9Su-En Tan [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)