
Kim S. Henriksen

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7EEKim S. Henriksen, Gourinath Banda, John P. Gallagher: Experiments with a Convex Polyhedral Analysis Tool for Logic Programs CoRR abs/0712.2737: (2007)
6EEKim S. Henriksen, John P. Gallagher: A Web-based Tool Combining Different Type Analyses CoRR abs/cs/0701110: (2007)
5EEKim S. Henriksen, John P. Gallagher: Abstract Interpretation of PIC Programs through Logic Programming. SCAM 2006: 184-196
4EEJohn P. Gallagher, Kim S. Henriksen, Gourinath Banda: Techniques for Scaling Up Analyses Based on Pre-interpretations. ICLP 2005: 280-296
3EEJohn P. Gallagher, Kim S. Henriksen: Abstract Domains Based on Regular Types. ICLP 2004: 27-42
2EEStephen-John Craig, John P. Gallagher, Michael Leuschel, Kim S. Henriksen: Fully Automatic Binding-Time Analysis for Prolog. LOPSTR 2004: 53-68
1EEKim S. Henriksen, John P. Gallagher: Analysis and specialisation of a PIC processor. SMC (2) 2004: 1131-1135

Coauthor Index

1Gourinath Banda [4] [7]
2Stephen-John Craig [2]
3John P. Gallagher [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Michael Leuschel [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)