
Norbert Henrichs

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4 Norbert Henrichs: Was heißt "handlungsrelevantes Wissen"? Wissen in Aktion 2004: 95-108
3 Norbert Henrichs: Informationspolitik. Stichworte zu einer Podiumsdiskussion. Koordination von Informationen 1983: 348-355
2 Norbert Henrichs: The Growing Crisis of Traditional Information Retrieval Systems - What is to Follow? SIGIR 1982: 1-12
1EEFritz Lohner, Norbert Henrichs: Promotion of information science research by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Inf. Process. Manage. 16(4-5): 177-189 (1980)

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1Fritz Lohner [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)