
Jean Hennebert

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11EEMicheal Baechler, Jean-Luc Bloechle, Jean Hennebert: Labeled images verification using Gaussian mixture models. SAC 2009: 1331-1335
10EEAndreas Humm, Jean Hennebert, Rolf Ingold: Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities for User Authentication. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 39(1): 25-35 (2009)
9EEFarshideh Einsele, Rolf Ingold, Jean Hennebert: A language-independent, open-vocabulary system based on HMMs for recognition of ultra low resolution words. SAC 2008: 429-433
8EEFarshideh Einsele, Rolf Ingold, Jean Hennebert: Recognition of Ultra Low Resolution Word Images Using HMMs. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 429-436
7 Farshideh Einsele, Rolf Ingold, Jean Hennebert: A Language-Independent, Open-Vocabulary System Based on HMMs for Recognition of Ultra Low Resolution Words. J. UCS 14(18): 2982-2997 (2008)
6EEAndreas Humm, Jean Hennebert, Rolf Ingold: Modelling Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities. ICB 2007: 1025-1034
5EEJean Hennebert, Renato Loeffel, Andreas Humm, Rolf Ingold: A New Forgery Scenario Based on Regaining Dynamics of Signature. ICB 2007: 366-375
4EEAndreas Humm, Rolf Ingold, Jean Hennebert: Spoken Handwriting Verification Using Statistical Models. ICDAR 2007: 999-1003
3EEFarshideh Einsele, Rolf Ingold, Jean Hennebert: A HMM-Based Approach to Recognize Ultra Low Resolution Anti-Aliased Words. PReMI 2007: 511-518
2EEAndreas Humm, Jean Hennebert, Rolf Ingold: Gaussian Mixture Models for CHASM Signature Verification. MLMI 2006: 102-113
1EEAlain Wahl, Jean Hennebert, Andreas Humm, Rolf Ingold: Generation and Evaluation of Brute-Force Signature Forgeries. MRCS 2006: 2-9

Coauthor Index

1Micheal Baechler [11]
2Jean-Luc Bloechle [11]
3Farshideh Einsele [3] [7] [8] [9]
4Andreas Humm [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [10]
5Rolf Ingold [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
6Renato Loeffel [5]
7Alain Wahl [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)