
Ron Henderson

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16EERon Henderson, Megan J. Divett: Perceived usefulness, ease of use and electronic supermarket use. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 59(3): 383-395 (2003)
15 Rachael Pond, John Podd, Julie Bunnell, Ron Henderson: Word Association Computer Passwords: The Effect of Formulation Techniques on Recall and Guessing Rates. Computers & Security 19(7): 645-656 (2000)
14 Peter Roberts, Ron Henderson: Information technology acceptance in a sample of government employees: a test of the technology acceptance model. Interacting with Computers 12(5): 427-443 (2000)
13EERon Henderson, Doug Mahar, Anthony Saliba, Frank Deane, Renee Napier: Electronic monitoring systems: an examination of physiological activity and task performance within a simulated keystroke security and electronic performance monitoring sytem. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 48(2): 143-157 (1998)
12 Doug Mahar, Ron Henderson, William Laverty, Renee Napier: The effects of password length and reference profile size on the performance of a multivariate text-dependent typist verification system. Interacting with Computers 10(4): 375-383 (1998)
11 Ron Henderson, Debra Rickwood, Peter Roberts: The beta test of an electronic supermarket. Interacting with Computers 10(4): 385-399 (1998)
10 Peter Roberts, Ron Henderson, Debra Rickwood: Assessment of modal beliefs about using an electronic supermarket. INTERACT 1997: 577-578
9 Kylie O'Hare, Ron Henderson: Acceptance of computers in human roles. INTERACT 1997: 579-580
8EEJulie Bunnell, John Podd, Ron Henderson, Renee Napier, James Kennedy-Moffat: Cognitive, associative and conventional passwords: Recall and guessing rates. Computers & Security 16(7): 629-641 (1997)
7EEKate Barrelle, William Laverty, Ron Henderson, Jon Gough, Michael Wagner, Michael Hiron: User verification through pointing characteristics: an exploration examination. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 45(1): 47-57 (1996)
6EEFrank Deane, Kate Barrelle, Ron Henderson, Doug Mahar: Perceived acceptability of biometric security systems. Computers & Security 14(3): 225-231 (1995)
5EERenee Napier, William Laverty, Doug Mahar, Ron Henderson, Michael Hiron, Michael Wagner: Keyboard user verification: toward an accurate, efficient, and ecologically valid algorithm. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 43(2): 213-222 (1995)
4EEDoug Mahar, Renee Napier, Michael Wagner, William Laverty, Ron Henderson, Michael Hiron: Optimizing digraph-latency based biometric typist verification systems: inter and intra typist differences in digraph latency distributions. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 43(4): 579-592 (1995)
3 Ron Henderson, Frank Deane, Kate Barrelle, Doug Mahar: Computer Anxiety: Correlates, Norms and Problem Definition in Health Care and Banking Employees using the Computer Attitude Scale. Interacting with Computers 7(2): 181-193 (1995)
2 Frank Deane, Ron Henderson, Doug Mahar, Anthony Saliba: Theoretical Examination of the Effects of Anxiety and Electronic Performance Monitoring on Behavioural Biometric Security Systems. Interacting with Computers 7(4): 395-411 (1995)
1 Ron Henderson, John Podd, Mike Smith, Hugo Varela-Alvarez: An Examination of Four User-Based Software Evaluation Methods. Interacting with Computers 7(4): 412-432 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Kate Barrelle [3] [6] [7]
2Julie Bunnell [8] [15]
3Frank Deane [2] [3] [6] [13]
4Megan J. Divett [16]
5Jon Gough [7]
6Michael Hiron [4] [5] [7]
7James Kennedy-Moffat [8]
8William Laverty [4] [5] [7] [12]
9Doug Mahar [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [12] [13]
10Renee Napier [4] [5] [8] [12] [13]
11Kylie O'Hare [9]
12John Podd [1] [8] [15]
13Rachael Pond [15]
14Debra Rickwood [10] [11]
15Peter Roberts [10] [11] [14]
16Anthony Saliba [2] [13]
17Mike Smith [1]
18Hugo Varela-Alvarez [1]
19Michael Wagner [4] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)