
Michael Henderson

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4EEMichael Henderson, Bryce Cutt, Ramon Lawrence: Exploiting join cardinality for faster hash joins. SAC 2009: 1549-1554
3EEYong Gao, Michael Henderson: Speeding Up Pairwise Sequence Alignments: A Scoring Scheme Reweighting Based Approach. BIBE 2007: 1194-1198
2EERonald Schroeter, Jane Hunter, Jonathon Guerin, Imran Khan, Michael Henderson: A Synchronous Multimedia Annotation System for Secure Collaboratories. e-Science 2006: 41
1EEGlen B. Alleman, Michael Henderson, Ray Seggelke: Making Agile Development Work in a Government Contracting Environment - Measuring velocity with Earned Value. Agile Development Conference 2003: 114-119

Coauthor Index

1Glen B. Alleman [1]
2Bryce Cutt [4]
3Yong Gao [3]
4Jonathon Guerin [2]
5Jane Hunter [2]
6Imran Khan [2]
7Ramon Lawrence [4]
8Ronald Schroeter [2]
9Ray Seggelke [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)