
Iina Hellsten

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4EEIina Hellsten, Renaud Lambiotte, Andrea Scharnhorst, Marcel Ausloos: Self-citations, co-authorships and keywords: A new approach to scientists' field mobility? Scientometrics 72(3): 469-486 (2007)
3EELoet Leydesdorff, Iina Hellsten: Measuring the meaning of words in contexts: An automated analysis of controversies about 'Monarch butterflies, ' 'Frankenfoods, ' and 'stem cells'. Scientometrics 67(2): 231-258 (2006)
2EEPaul Wouters, Iina Hellsten, Loet Leydesdorff: Internet time and the reliability of search engines. First Monday 9(10): (2004)
1EEIina Hellsten: Focus On Metaphors: The Case Of "Frankenfood" On The Web. J. Computer-Mediated Communication 8(4): (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Marcel Ausloos [4]
2Renaud Lambiotte [4]
3Loet Leydesdorff [2] [3]
4Andrea Scharnhorst [4]
5Paul Wouters [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)