
Ole K. Hejlesen

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3EEKristian G. Olesen, Ole K. Hejlesen, R. Dessau, I. Beltoft, M. Trangeled: Diagnosing Lyme disease - Tailoring patient specific Bayesian networks for temporal reasoning. Probabilistic Graphical Models 2006: 231-238
2EEBernhard M. Ege, Ole K. Hejlesen, Ole Vilhelm Larsen, Karina Møller, Barry Jennings, David Kerr, David A. Cavan: Screening for diabetic retinopathy using computer based image analysis and statistical classification. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 62(3): 165-175 (2000)
1 Ole K. Hejlesen, Steen Andreassen, Stig K. Andersen: Dynamic Propagation in Causal Probabilistic Networks with Instantiated Variables. AIME 1995: 151-162

Coauthor Index

1Stig K. Andersen [1]
2Steen Andreassen [1]
3I. Beltoft [3]
4David A. Cavan [2]
5R. Dessau [3]
6Bernhard M. Ege [2]
7Barry Jennings [2]
8David Kerr [2]
9Ole Vilhelm Larsen [2]
10Karina Møller [2]
11Kristian G. Olesen [3]
12M. Trangeled [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)