1994 |
15 | | M. Aghadavoodi Jolfaei,
Bernd Heinrichs,
M. R. Nazeman:
TCP Extensions for Interconnection of LANs by Satellite.
INDC 1994: 145-163 |
1993 |
14 | | Bernd Heinrichs:
AMTP: Towards a high performance and configurable mulipeer transfer service.
Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1993: 141-160 |
13 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Thomas Meuser,
Otto Spaniol:
High Speed Interconnection of Workstations: Concepts, Problems and Experiences.
Decentralized and Distributed Systems 1993: 3-22 |
12 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Wilko Reinhardt,
Rumen Stainov:
The DYCE Concept - Architecture & Implementation Strategies.
Integrated Broadband Communications 1993: 189-200 |
11 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Kai Jakobs:
Timer Handling in High-Performance Transport Systems.
Integrated Broadband Communications 1993: 337-348 |
10 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Raschid Karabek,
Wolfgang Mers:
Optimierung von Transfersystemen.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1993: 369-383 |
9 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Kai Jakobs,
Klaus Lenßen,
Wilko Reinhardt,
Arno Spinner:
Das EuroBridge-Projekt: Unterstützung von Multimedia-Kommunikation.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1993: 516-528 |
8 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Raschid Karabek:
Sprachübertragung über ISPNs: Messung und Modellierung.
MMB 1993: 267-279 |
7 | EE | Bernd Heinrichs,
Kai Jakobs:
OSI communication services supporting CSCW applications.
SIGDOC 1993: 107-115 |
6 | EE | Bernd Heinrichs,
Kai Jakobs:
The Eurobridge service platform (solution session): an approach to integrated multimedia.
SIGDOC 1993: 363-365 |
5 | EE | Bernd Heinrichs,
Kai Jakobs,
Alessandro Carone:
High performance transfer services to support multimedia group communications.
Computer Communications 16(9): 539-547 (1993) |
1992 |
4 | | Christian Engel,
Bernd Heinrichs:
Flexibles Design von Hochleistungsprotokollen mittels höherer Petri-Netze.
ARCS 1992: 237-249 |
3 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Michael Rupprecht:
XTP - efficient parallel software implementation based on a Petri Net specification technique.
Broadband Communications 1992: 373-384 |
2 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Raschid Karabek:
Flexible Network Architectures for Personal Multimedia Communications.
IFIP Congress (3) 1992: 111-121 |
1991 |
1 | | Bernd Heinrichs,
Peter Martini:
Telefax-Kommunikation über Lokale Netze.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1991: 348-362 |