
Bernhard Heinemann

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39 Bernhard Heinemann: Modelling Uniformity and Control during Knowledge Acquisition. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 65-70
38EEBernhard Heinemann: Topology and Knowledge of Multiple Agents. IBERAMIA 2008: 1-10
37EEBernhard Heinemann: Regarding Overlapping as a Basic Concept of Subset Spaces. TIME 2008: 41-45
36EEBernhard Heinemann: A Hybrid Logic for Reasoning about Knowledge and Topology. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17(1): 19-41 (2008)
35EEBernhard Heinemann: A PDL-Like Logic of Knowledge Acquisition. CSR 2007: 146-157
34EEBernhard Heinemann: Reasoning About Operations on Sets. Canadian Conference on AI 2007: 308-319
33 Bernhard Heinemann: Some Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Operators Derived from the Topological View of Knowledge. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 659-664
32EEBernhard Heinemann: Including the Past in 'Topologic'. LFCS 2007: 269-283
31EEBernhard Heinemann: Regarding Overlaps in 'Topologic'. Advances in Modal Logic 2006: 259-277
30 Bernhard Heinemann: Reasoning about Knowledge and Continuity. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 37-42
29 Bernhard Heinemann: A Spatio-Temporal View of Knowledge. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 703-708
28EEBernhard Heinemann: Algebras as Knowledge Structures. MFCS 2005: 471-482
27EEBernhard Heinemann: The Topological Effect of Improving Knowledge Acquisition. MICAI 2005: 21-30
26EEBernhard Heinemann: A Hybrid Logic of Knowledge Supporting Topological Reasoning. AMAST 2004: 181-195
25EEBernhard Heinemann: A Two sorted Hybrid Logic Including Guarded Jumps. Advances in Modal Logic 2004: 73-92
24EEBernhard Heinemann: The Hybrid Logic of Linear Set Spaces. Logic Journal of the IGPL 12(3): 181-198 (2004)
23EEBernhard Heinemann: A Modal Logic for Discretely Descending Chains of Sets. Studia Logica 76(1): 67-90 (2004)
22EEBernhard Heinemann: Extended Canonicity of Certain Topological Properties of Set Spaces. LPAR 2003: 137-151
21EEBernhard Heinemann: An Application of Monodic First Order Temporal Logic to Reasoning about Knowledge. TIME 2003: 10-16
20 Bernhard Heinemann: Towards Uniform Reasoning via Structured Subset Spaces. Advances in Modal Logic 2002: 185-204
19EEBernhard Heinemann: Knowledge over Dense Flows of Time (from a Hybrid Point of View). FSTTCS 2002: 194-205
18EEBernhard Heinemann: A Hybrid Treatment of Evolutionary Sets. MICAI 2002: 204-213
17EEBernhard Heinemann: Linear Tense Logics of Increasing Sets. J. Log. Comput. 12(4): 583-606 (2002)
16EEBernhard Heinemann: Modelling Change with the Aid of Knowledge and Time. FCT 2001: 150-161
15EEBernhard Heinemann: About the Temporal Decrease of Sets. TIME 2001: 234-239
14EEBernhard Heinemann: Generalizing the Modal and Temporal Logic of Linear Time. AMAST 2000: 41-56
13EEBernhard Heinemann: Extending Topological Nexttime Logic. TIME 2000: 87-94
12EEBernhard Heinemann: On Sets Growing Continously. FSTTCS 1999: 420-431
11 Bernhard Heinemann: The Complexity of Certain Modal Formulas on Binary Ramified Subset Trees. Fundam. Inform. 39(3): 259-272 (1999)
10EEBernhard Heinemann: Temporal Aspects of the Modal Logic of Subset Spaces. Theor. Comput. Sci. 224(1-2): 135-155 (1999)
9EEBernhard Heinemann: Separating Sets by Modal Formulas. AMAST 1998: 140-153
8 Bernhard Heinemann: Topological Modal Logics Satisfying Finite Chain Conditions. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39(3): 406-421 (1998)
7 Bernhard Heinemann: A Modal Logic for Reasoning about Knowledge and Time on Binary Subset Trees. ECSQARU-FAPR 1997: 298-310
6 Bernhard Heinemann: On the Complexity of Prefix Formulas in Modal Logic of Subset Spaces. LFCS 1997: 145-155
5 Bernhard Heinemann: A Topological Generalization of Propositional Linear Time Temporal Logic. MFCS 1997: 289-297
4 Bernhard Heinemann: Revisiting Knowledge and Time from a Topological Point of View. SCAI 1997: 40-51
3 Bernhard Heinemann: On Binary Computation Structures. Math. Log. Q. 43: 203-215 (1997)
2 Bernhard Heinemann: Expressive Completeness of Modal Logic on Binary Ramified Frames. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 6(4): (1996)
1 Bernhard Heinemann: On Expressive Completeness of Modal Logic. LFCS 1994: 153-163

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