
Thomas Heine

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3EEThomas Heine, Rafael Islas, Gabriel Merino: sigma and pi contributions to the induced magnetic field: Indicators for the mobility of electrons in molecules. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(1): 302-309 (2007)
2EEGabriel Merino, Miguel A. Méndez-Rojas, Alberto Vela, Thomas Heine: Recent advances in planar tetracoordinate carbon chemistry. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(1): 362-372 (2007)
1 Gotthard Seifert, Thomas Heine, Olaf Knospe, Rüdiger Schmidt: Computer Simulations for the Structure and Dynamics of Large Molecules, Clusters and Solids. HPCN Europe 1996: 393-401

Coauthor Index

1Rafael Islas [3]
2Olaf Knospe [1]
3Miguel A. Méndez-Rojas [2]
4Gabriel Merino [2] [3]
5Rüdiger Schmidt [1]
6Gotthard Seifert [1]
7Alberto Vela [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)