
Michael J. Healy

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10EEShawn E. Taylor, Michael J. Healy, Thomas P. Caudell: Categorical Mapping from Ontology to Neural Network: Initial Studies of Simple Neural Networks' Concept Capacity. IJCNN 2007: 2020-2025
9EEDulany B. Weaver, Michael J. Healy, Thomas P. Caudell: An Application of Category-Theoretic Design Methods to the Control of a Simulated Robot. IJCNN 2007: 2058-2063
8EERobert J. Young, Mike Ritthaler, Peter Zimmer, John McGraw, Michael J. Healy, Thomas P. Caudell: Comparison of Adaptive Resonance Theory Neural Networks for Astronomical Region of Interest Detection and Noise Characterization. IJCNN 2007: 2123-2128
7EEMichael J. Healy, Thomas P. Caudell: Generalized Lattices Express Parallel Distributed Concept Learning. Computational Intelligence Based on Lattice Theory 2007: 59-77
6EEMichael J. Healy, Thomas P. Caudell: Knowledge Representation and Possible Worlds for Neural Networks. IJCNN 2006: 3047-3054
5EEThomas P. Caudell, Yunhai Xiao, Michael J. Healy: eLoom and Flatland: specification, simulation and visualization engines for the study of arbitrary hierarchical neural architectures. Neural Networks 16(5-6): 617-624 (2003)
4EEMichael J. Healy: Category Theory Applied to Neural Modeling and Graphical Representations. IJCNN (3) 2000: 35-40
3EEStephen J. Verzi, Gregory L. Heileman, Michael Georgiopoulos, Michael J. Healy: Hierarchical ARTMAP. IJCNN (6) 2000: 41-46
2EEMichael J. Healy: A Topological Semantics for Rule Extraction with Neural Networks. Connect. Sci. 11(1): 91-113 (1999)
1EEMichael J. Healy, Thomas P. Caudell: Guaranteed two-pass convergence for supervised and inferential learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(1): 195-204 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas P. Caudell [1] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Michael Georgiopoulos [3]
3Gregory L. Heileman [3]
4John McGraw [8]
5Mike Ritthaler [8]
6Shawn E. Taylor [10]
7Stephen J. Verzi [3]
8Dulany B. Weaver [9]
9Yunhai Xiao [5]
10Robert J. Young [8]
11Peter Zimmer [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)