
Shouling He

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8EEShouling He, Jiang Li: Modeling nonlinear elastic behavior of reinforced soil using artificial neural networks. Appl. Soft Comput. 9(3): 954-961 (2009)
7EEShouling He, Xuping Xu: Hardware/Software Co-design Approach for an ADALINE Based Adaptive Control System. JCP 3(2): 29-36 (2008)
6EEShouling He, Jiang Li: Parameter Estimation of Reinforced Soil Based on Neural Networks. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2006: 137
5 Shouling He: Matrix Calculation of Second Derivatives in Layered Networks: A Demonstrative Example. MLMTA 2003: 167-176
4EEShouling He: Neural Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Multivariable Systems with Application to a Class of Inverted Pendulums. Int. J. Neural Syst. 12(5): 411-424 (2002)
3EEShouling He, Konrad Reif, Rolf Unbehauen: Multilayer neural networks for solving a class of partial differential equations. Neural Networks 13(3): 385-396 (2000)
2EEShouling He, Konrad Reif, Rolf Unbehauen: A neural approach for control of nonlinear systems with feedback linearization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(6): 1409-1421 (1998)
1 Shouling He, Rolf Unbehauen: Approximate Feedback Linearisation Using Multilayer Neural Networks. Neural Processing Letters 8(2): 131-144 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Jiang Li [6] [8]
2Konrad Reif [2] [3]
3Rolf Unbehauen [1] [2] [3]
4Xuping Xu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)