2008 |
8 | EE | Shengke Zeng,
Mingxing He,
Weidong Luo:
New Efficient and Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol in Dynamic Peer Group.
ARES 2008: 746-751 |
7 | EE | Wei Du,
Mingxing He:
Self-healing Key Distribution with Revocation and Resistance to the Collusion Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ProvSec 2008: 345-359 |
6 | EE | Jun Zhou,
Mingxing He:
An Improved Distributed Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks.
WISA 2008: 305-319 |
5 | EE | Qingyu Xu,
Mingxing He:
Improved Constant Storage Self-healing Key Distribution with Revocation in Wireless Sensor Network.
WISA 2008: 41-55 |
2006 |
4 | EE | Hongsong Shi,
Mingxing He,
Zhiguang Qin:
Authenticated and Communication Efficient Group Key Agreement for Clustered Ad Hoc Networks.
CANS 2006: 73-89 |
3 | EE | Xiao Li,
Mingxing He:
A Protocol of Member-Join in a Secret Sharing Scheme.
ISPEC 2006: 134-141 |
2004 |
2 | EE | Mingxing He,
Pingzhi Fan,
Firoz Kaderali:
Group Key Agreement Protocol Based on GH-KEP.
PDCAT 2004: 619-623 |
2003 |
1 | EE | Weidong Qiu,
Mingxing He,
Firoz Kaderali:
Group Oriented Digital Certificate Architecture.
CEC 2003: 233-237 |