
Lifeng He

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21EELifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Kenji Suzuki: A Run-Based Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(5): 749-756 (2008)
20 Zhenghao Shi, Lifeng He, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Hidenori Itoh: Image Segmentation Based on Modified FCM Algorithms. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2007: 63-69
19EELifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Kenji Suzuki: A Run-Based Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm. ICIAR 2007: 131-142
18EELifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Kenji Suzuki: A Linear-Time Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm. ICIP (5) 2007: 241-244
17EEYi Ding, Yuji Iwahori, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Lifeng He, Robert J. Woodham, Hidenori Itoh: Relative Magnitude of Gaussian Curvature Using Neural Network and Object Rotation of Two Degrees of Freedom. MVA 2007: 110-113
16EEYuyan Chao, Lifeng He, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Zhenghao Shi, Kenji Suzuki, Hidenori Itoh: An Improvement of Herbrand's Theorem and Its Application to Model Generation Theorem Proving. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 22(4): 541-553 (2007)
15EEQiang Li, Yuyan Chao, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Lifeng He, Hidenori Itoh: Image color transfer with region matching based on IEC. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1501-1508
14EELifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Hidenori Itoh: R-SATCHMO: Refinements on I-SATCHMO. J. Log. Comput. 14(2): 117-143 (2004)
13EELifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Hidenori Itoh: I-Satchmore: An Improvement of A-SATCHMORE. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(2): 181-189 (2003)
12EEYuyan Chao, Lifeng He, Hidenori Itoh: Inferring Solids Composed of Linear and Quadratic Surfaces from Incomplete Three Views. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(3): 332-342 (2003)
11EELifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Hidenori Itoh: Eliminating Redundant Search Space on Backtracking for Forward Chaining Theorem Proving. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(5): 580-591 (2003)
10EEYuyan Chao, Norimitsu Kawana, Lifeng He, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Hidenori Itoh: R-UNSEARCHMO: A Refinement on UNSEARCHMO. PRICAI 2002: 29-38
9 Lifeng He: UNSEARCHMO: Eliminating Redundant Search Space on Backtracking for Forward Chaining Theorem Proving. IJCAI 2001: 618-623
8 Lifeng He: I-SATCHMO: An Improvement of SATCHMO. J. Autom. Reasoning 27(3): 313-322 (2001)
7 Lifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Koji Yamada, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Hidenori Itoh: Multi-agent Cooperative Reasoning Using Common Knowledge and Implicit Knowledge. PRICAI 2000: 815
6 Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Lifeng He, Hidenori Itoh: A Proposal of Generating Artistic Japanese Calligraphic Fonts. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 490-491
5EEJunji Mano, Lifeng He, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Hiroshi Enowaki, Atsuko Mutoh, Hidenori Itoh: A Method to Generate Writing-Brush-Style Japanese Hiragana Character Calligraphy. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 787-791
4 Lifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Yuka Shimajiri, Hirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh: A-SATCHMORE: SATCHMORE with Availability Checking. New Generation Comput. 16(1): 55-74 (1998)
3 Lifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Yuka Shimajiri, Hirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh: Constructing More Relevant Models. ASIAN 1996: 345-346
2 Lifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Shohei Kato, Tetsuo Araki, Hirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh: Implementing an Automated Reasoning System for Multi-Agent Knowledge and Time. DAI 1996: 152-165
1 Lifeng He, Yuyan Chao, Shohei Kato, Tetsuo Araki, Hirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh: A Multi-Agent Cooperative Reasoning System for Amalgamated Knowledge Bases. DAI 1996: 92-105

Coauthor Index

1Tetsuo Araki [1] [2]
2Yuyan Chao [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19] [21]
3Yi Ding [17]
4Hiroshi Enowaki [5]
5Hidenori Itoh [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20]
6Yuji Iwahori [17]
7Shohei Kato [1] [2]
8Norimitsu Kawana [10]
9Qiang Li [15]
10Junji Mano [5]
11Atsuko Mutoh [5]
12Tsuyoshi Nakamura [5] [6] [7] [10] [13] [15] [16] [17] [20]
13Hirohisa Seki [1] [2] [3] [4]
14Zhenghao Shi [16] [20]
15Yuka Shimajiri [3] [4]
16Kenji Suzuki [16] [18] [19] [21]
17Robert J. Woodham [17]
18Koji Yamada [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)