
Jiyin He

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5EEMartha Larson, Manos Tsagkias, Jiyin He, Maarten de Rijke: Investigating the Global Semantic Impact of Speech Recognition Error on Spoken Content Collections. ECIR 2009: 755-760
4EEJiyin He, Wouter Weerkamp, Martha Larson, Maarten de Rijke: Blogger, stick to your story: modeling topical noise in blogs with coherence measures. AND 2008: 39-46
3EEBen He, Craig Macdonald, Jiyin He, Iadh Ounis: An effective statistical approach to blog post opinion retrieval. CIKM 2008: 1063-1072
2EEJiyin He, Martha Larson, Maarten de Rijke: Using Coherence-Based Measures to Predict Query Difficulty. ECIR 2008: 689-694
1EEEdgar Meij, Wouter Weerkamp, Jiyin He, Maarten de Rijke: Incorporating Non-Relevance Information in the Estimation of Query Models. TREC 2008

Coauthor Index

1Ben He [3]
2Martha Larson [2] [4] [5]
3Craig Macdonald [3]
4Edgar Meij [1]
5Iadh Ounis [3]
6Maarten de Rijke [1] [2] [4] [5]
7Manos Tsagkias [5]
8Wouter Weerkamp [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)