
Hiroaki Hazeyama

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9EEHiroaki Hazeyama, Yoshihide Matsumoto, Youki Kadobayashi: Design of an FDB based Intra-domain Packet Traceback System. ARES 2008: 1313-1318
8EEYoshitaka Nagami, Daisuke Miyamoto, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi: An Independent Evaluation of Web Timing Attack and its Countermeasure. ARES 2008: 1319-1324
7EEHiroaki Hazeyama, Mio Suzuki, Shinsuke Miwa, Daisuke Miyamoto, Youki Kadobayashi: Outfitting an Inter-AS Topology to a Network Emulation TestBed for Realistic Performance Tests of DDoS Countermeasures. CSET 2008
6EEYoshihide Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi: Adaptive Bloom Filter: A Space-Efficient Counting Algorithm for Unpredictable Network Traffic. IEICE Transactions 91-D(5): 1292-1299 (2008)
5EEYukio Okada, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi: Proposal of Constructing PKI on Overlay Network. SAINT Workshops 2007: 64
4EEHiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi, Daisuke Miyamoto, Masafumi Oe: An Autonomous Architecture for Inter-Domain Traceback across the Borders of Network Operation. ISCC 2006: 378-385
3 Mio Suzuki, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi: Expediting experiments across testbeds with AnyBed: A testbed-independent topology configuration tool. TRIDENTCOM 2006
2EEDaisuke Miyamoto, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi: SPS: A Simple Filtering Algorithm to Thwart Phishing Attacks. AINTEC 2005: 195-209
1EETakuji Iimura, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi: Zoned federation of game servers: a peer-to-peer approach to scalable multi-player online games. NETGAMES 2004: 116-120

Coauthor Index

1Takuji Iimura [1]
2Youki Kadobayashi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Yoshihide Matsumoto [6] [9]
4Shinsuke Miwa [7]
5Daisuke Miyamoto [2] [4] [7] [8]
6Yoshitaka Nagami [8]
7Masafumi Oe [4]
8Yukio Okada [5]
9Mio Suzuki [3] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)