
Tasawar Hayat

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7EETasawar Hayat, Nasir Ali, Saleem Asghar: Peristaltic motion of a Burger's fluid in a planar channel. Applied Mathematics and Computation 186(1): 309-329 (2007)
6EETasawar Hayat, Nasir Ali: A mathematical description of peristaltic hydromagnetic flow in a tube. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(2): 1491-1502 (2007)
5EENasir Ali, Tasawar Hayat: Peristaltic motion of a Carreau fluid in an asymmetric channel. Applied Mathematics and Computation 193(2): 535-552 (2007)
4EETasawar Hayat, Nasir Ali, Saleem Asghar, A. M. Siddiqui: Exact peristaltic flow in tubes with an endoscope. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1): 359-368 (2006)
3EESaleem Asghar, M. Mudassar Gulzar, Tasawar Hayat: Rotating flow of a third grade fluid by homotopy analysis method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 165(1): 213-221 (2005)
2EETasawar Hayat, S. Nadeem, A. M. Siddiqui, Saleem Asghar: An oscillating hydromagnetic non-Newtonian flow in a rotating system. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(5): 609-614 (2004)
1EEAbdul Majeed Siddiqui, Tasawar Hayat, Saleem Asghar: Some exact solutions of an elastico-viscous fluid. Appl. Math. Lett. 14(5): 571-579 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Nasir Ali [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Saleem Asghar [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
3M. Mudassar Gulzar [3]
4S. Nadeem [2]
5A. M. Siddiqui [2] [4]
6Abdul Majeed Siddiqui [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)