
Kazunori Hayashi

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7EEKazunori Hayashi, Hideaki Sakai: Co-Channel Interference Cancellation for Downlink Block Transmission with Cyclic Prefix. VTC Spring 2008: 703-707
6EEMegumi Kaneko, Kazunori Hayashi, Petar Popovski, Kazushi Ikeda, Hideaki Sakai, Ramjee Prasad: Amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity schemes for multicarrier systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(5-2): 1845-1850 (2008)
5EEKazunori Hayashi, Hideaki Sakai: Downlink Channel Estimation for Multi-cell Block Transmission Systems with Cyclic Prefix. VTC Spring 2007: 1776-1780
4EEWladimir Bocquet, Kazunori Hayashi, Hideaki Sakai: Power Allocation Scheme for MIMO MC-CDMA With Two Dimensional Spreading. VTC Spring 2007: 3145-3149
3EEYuki Yoshida, Kazunori Hayashi, Hideaki Sakai: Pre- and Post-Equalization and Frequency Diversity Combining Methods for Block Transmission with Cyclic Prefix. IEICE Transactions 90-B(10): 2874-2883 (2007)
2EEKazunori Hayashi, Hideaki Sakai: A Burst Noise Cancellation Scheme for Single Carrier Block Transmission with Cyclic Prefix. VTC Spring 2006: 2543-2547
1EEKazunori Hayashi, Hideaki Sakai: Per-Tone Equalization for Single Carrier Block Transmission with Insufficient Cyclic Prefix. IEICE Transactions 88-D(7): 1323-1330 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Wladimir Bocquet [4]
2Kazushi Ikeda [6]
3Megumi Kaneko [6]
4Petar Popovski [6]
5Ramjee Prasad [6]
6Hideaki Sakai [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Yuki Yoshida [3]

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