
Philip Hawkes

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10EEGregory G. Rose, Philip Hawkes, Michael Paddon, Cameron McDonald, Miriam Wiggers de Vries: Design and Primitive Specification for Shannon. Symmetric Cryptography 2007
9EEJovan Dj. Golic, Philip Hawkes: Vectorial Approach to Fast Correlation Attacks. Des. Codes Cryptography 35(1): 5-19 (2005)
8EEPhilip Hawkes, Gregory G. Rose: Rewriting Variables: The Complexity of Fast Algebraic Attacks on Stream Ciphers. CRYPTO 2004: 390-406
7EEGregory G. Rose, Philip Hawkes: Turing: A Fast Stream Cipher. FSE 2003: 290-306
6EEPhilip Hawkes, Gregory G. Rose: Guess-and-Determine Attacks on SNOW. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2002: 37-46
5EEPhilip Hawkes, Frank Quick, Gregory G. Rose: A Practical Cryptanalysis of SSC2. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001: 25-37
4EEPhilip Hawkes, Gregory G. Rose: Exploiting Multiples of the Connection Polynomial in Word-Oriented Stream Ciphers. ASIACRYPT 2000: 303-316
3EEPhilip Hawkes, Luke O'Connor: XOR and Non-XOR Differential Probabilities. EUROCRYPT 1999: 272-285
2EEPhilip Hawkes: Differential-Linear Weak Key Classes of IDEA. EUROCRYPT 1998: 112-126
1 Philip Hawkes, Luke O'Connor: On Applying Linear Cryptanalysis to IDEA. ASIACRYPT 1996: 105-115

Coauthor Index

1Jovan Dj. Golic [9]
2Cameron McDonald [10]
3Luke O'Connor [1] [3]
4Michael Paddon [10]
5Frank Quick [5]
6Gregory G. Rose [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
7Miriam Wiggers de Vries [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)