
Roland Hausser

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21EERoland Hausser: Modeling Natural Language Communication in Database Semantics. APCCM 2009: 17-26
20 Roland Hausser: Comparing the Use of Feature Structures in Nativism and in Database Semantics. EJC 2007: 1-20
19 Jae-Woong Choe, Roland Hausser: Treating Quantifiers in Database Semantics. EJC 2006: 100-119
18 Roland Hausser: Reconstructing Geons in Database Semantics. EJC 2005: 280-288
17EERoland Hausser: Applying Database Semantics to the WWW. WISE Workshops 2004: 211-220
16 Roland Hausser: A Theory of Signs for Database Semantics. EJC 2003: 220-239
15EERoland Hausser: A Hypothesis on the Origin of the Sign Types. CICLing 2002: 16-31
14EERoland Hausser: Replicating Quantified Noun Phrases in Database Semantics. NLDB 2002: 109-122
13EERoland Hausser: Spatio-temporal Indexing in Database Semantics. CICLing 2001: 53-68
12EERoland Hausser: Database semantics for natural language. Artif. Intell. 130(1): 27-74 (2001)
11 Roland Hausser: The Four Basic Ontologies of Semantic Interpretation. EJC 2000: 21-40
10 Roland Hausser: Modeling Everyday Thought in Database Semantics. EJC 2000: 351-352
9EERoland Hausser: Natürlichsprachliche Kommunikation im Rahmen der Datenbanksemantik. LDV Forum 17(1/2): 23-45 (2000)
8EERoland Hausser: GLDV - Gesellschaft für linguistische Datenverarbeitung - Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. LDV Forum 15(1): 3-5 (1998)
7EERoland Hausser: Häufigkeitsverteilung deutscher Morpheme. LDV Forum 15(1): 6-28 (1998)
6EERoland Hausser: Die vier Elementar-Ontologien semantischer Interpretation und ihre empirischen Folgen. LDV Forum 15(2): 24-57 (1998)
5EERoland Hausser: The Coordinator's Final Report on the first Morpholympics. LDV Forum 11(1): 54-64 (1994)
4EERoland Hausser: Aufgaben der Computerlinguistik. LDV Forum 10(2): 63-77 (1993)
3 Roland Hausser: Complexity in Left-Associative Grammar. Theor. Comput. Sci. 106(2): 283-308 (1992)
2EERoland Hausser: Left-Associative Grammar: An informal outline. Machine Translation 3(1): 23-67 (1988)
1EERoland Hausser: Left-associative grammar: The algebraic definitions. Machine Translation 3(2): 121-155 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Jae-Woong Choe [19]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)