
John D. Hastings

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6EEJohn D. Hastings, Alexandre V. Latchininsky, Scott P. Schell: Sustainability of Grasshopper Management and Support through CARMA. HICSS 2009: 1-10
5EEJay H. Powell, Brandon M. Hauff, John D. Hastings: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Exploration and Accumulated Experience in Automatic Case Elicitation. ICCBR 2005: 397-407
4 Siva N. Kommuri, Jay H. Powell, John D. Hastings: On the Effectiveness of Automatic Case Elicitation in a More Complex Domain. ICCBR Workshops 2005: 185-192
3 John D. Hastings, Karl Branting, Jeffrey A. Lockwood: CARMA: A Case-Based Rangeland Management Adviser. AI Magazine 23(2): 49-62 (2002)
2 Karl Branting, John D. Hastings, Jeffrey A. Lockwood: CARMA: A Case-Based Range Management Advisor. IAAI 2001: 3-10
1 John D. Hastings, Karl Branting, Jeffrey A. Lockwood: Case Adaption Using an Incomplete Causal Model. ICCBR 1995: 181-192

Coauthor Index

1Karl Branting [1] [2] [3]
2Brandon M. Hauff [5]
3Siva N. Kommuri [4]
4Alexandre V. Latchininsky [6]
5Jeffrey A. Lockwood [1] [2] [3]
6Jay H. Powell [4] [5]
7Scott P. Schell [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)