
Richard E. Haskell

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11 Richard E. Haskell, Darrin M. Hanna, Kevin Van Sickle: 3D Signature Biometrics Using Curvature Moments. IC-AI 2006: 718-721
10EEDarrin M. Hanna, Richard E. Haskell: Flowpaths: Compiling stack-based IR to hardware. Microprocessors and Microsystems 30(3): 125-136 (2006)
9 Darrin M. Hanna, Richard E. Haskell: Implementing Software Programs in FPGAs Using Flowpaths. ESA/VLSI 2004: 76-82
8 Charles Lee, Darrin M. Hanna, Richard E. Haskell, Richard L. Alena: Using Fuzzy Clustering for Real-time Space Flight Safety. IC-AI 2004: 619-626
7EERichard E. Haskell, Darrin M. Hanna: A VHDL--Forth Core for FPGAs. Microprocessors and Microsystems 28(3): 115-125 (2004)
6EERichard E. Haskell, Charles Lee, Darrin M. Hanna: Geno-fuzzy classification trees. Pattern Recognition 37(8): 1653-1659 (2004)
5 Richard E. Haskell, Darrin M. Hanna: Rapid Prototyping Using a Microprocessor Core on a Spartan II FPGA. Embedded Systems and Applications 2003: 49-55
4 Darrin M. Hanna, Richard E. Haskell: Using Flowpaths for the High-Level Synthesis of Reconfigurable Systems. Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms 2003: 273-279
3 Ping Li, Richard E. Haskell, Darrin M. Hanna: Optimizing Fuzzy Decision Trees Using Genetic Algorithms. IC-AI 2003: 469-474
2EERichard E. Haskell, Darrin M. Hanna: FPGA Integrated Co-Design. MSE 2001: 30-31
1 Richard E. Haskell, Ali Noui-Mehidi: Design of Hierarchical Classifiers. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 118-124

Coauthor Index

1Richard L. Alena [8]
2Darrin M. Hanna [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Charles Lee [6] [8]
4Ping Li [3]
5Ali Noui-Mehidi [1]
6Kevin Van Sickle [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)