
Zainal A. Hasibuan

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8 Rizal F. Aji, Heri Kurniawan, Zainal A. Hasibuan: Adaptive System for Libraries Integration Case Study: University of Indonesia's Libraries. iiWAS 2006: 503-510
7 Dwi Astuti Aprijani, Zainal A. Hasibuan: The Use of Maximal Frequent Sequences to Improve Document Ranking in Information Retrieval System for Indonesian Language. iiWAS 2006: 87-96
6EEStéphane Bressan, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Zainal A. Hasibuan: Exploiting Local Popularity to Prune Routing Indices in Peer-to-Peer Systems. DEXA Workshops 2005: 790-795
5EEIndra Budi, Stéphane Bressan, Gatot Wahyudi, Zainal A. Hasibuan, Bobby Nazief: Named Entity Recognition for the Indonesian Language: Combining Contextual, Morphological and Part-of-Speech Features into a Knowledge Engineering Approach. Discovery Science 2005: 57-69
4EEZainal A. Hasibuan, Harry B. Santoso: The Use of E-Learning towards New Learning Paradigm: Case Study Student Centered E-Learning Environment at Faculty of Computer Science-University of Indonesia. ICALT 2005: 1026-1030
3EEStéphane Bressan, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Chu Yee Liau, Zainal A. Hasibuan: Adaptive Double Routing Indices: Combining Effectiveness and Efficiency in P2P Systems. DEXA 2004: 694-706
2 Adi Wahyu Pribadi, Zainal A. Hasibuan: Implementing Inference Networks for Information Retrieval System in Indonesian Language. iiWAS 2003
1 Yeni Herdiyeni, Zainal A. Hasibuan: Information Retrieval System in Bahasa Indonesia Using Latent Semantic Indexing and Semi-Discrete Matrix Decomposition. iiWAS 2003

Coauthor Index

1Rizal F. Aji [8]
2Dwi Astuti Aprijani [7]
3Stéphane Bressan [3] [5] [6]
4Indra Budi [5]
5Yeni Herdiyeni [1]
6Achmad Nizar Hidayanto [3] [6]
7Heri Kurniawan [8]
8Chu Yee Liau [3]
9Bobby Nazief [5]
10Adi Wahyu Pribadi [2]
11Harry B. Santoso [4]
12Gatot Wahyudi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)