
Sherif Hashem

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7EEGhada Abdelmouez, Sherif Hashem, Amir F. Atiya, Mohamed A. El-Gamal: Neural Network vs. Linear Models for Stock Market Sectors Forecasting. IJCNN 2007: 1365-1369
6EEHatem A. Fayed, Sherif Hashem, Amir F. Atiya: Self-generating prototypes for pattern classification. Pattern Recognition 40(5): 1498-1509 (2007)
5EEAmir F. Atiya, Sherif Hashem, Hatem A. Fayed: Pattern Classification Using a Set of Compact Hyperspheres. ICONIP (2) 2006: 116-123
4EESherif Hashem: Optimal Linear Combinations of Neural Networks. Neural Networks 10(4): 599-614 (1997)
3EESherif Hashem: Effects of Collinearity on Combining Neural Networks. Connect. Sci. 8(3): 315-336 (1996)
2EESherif Hashem, Bruce W. Schmeiser: Algorithm 727; Quantile estimation using overlapping batch statistics. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 20(1): 100-102 (1994)
1EEBruce W. Schmeiser, Thanos N. Avramidis, Sherif Hashem: Overlapping batch statistics. Winter Simulation Conference 1990: 395-398

Coauthor Index

1Ghada Abdelmouez [7]
2Amir F. Atiya [5] [6] [7]
3Thanos N. Avramidis [1]
4Mohamed A. El-Gamal [7]
5Hatem A. Fayed [5] [6]
6Bruce W. Schmeiser [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)