
Franz Haselbacher

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3 Isidor Kamrat, Franz Haselbacher: E-Learning Initiative Based on WEB-Date-Based University Information Management System. ICCE 2002: 874-878
2 Franz Haselbacher: Design and Operation of a Web-Databased University-Information-Management-System. ICWI 2002: 836
1 Franz Haselbacher, Isidor Kamrat, Andreas Passler, Boris Rohrbacher: Design, Implementation and Operation of an Intranet-based University-Information-Management-System. WebNet 1999: 1286-1287

Coauthor Index

1Isidor Kamrat [1] [3]
2Andreas Passler [1]
3Boris Rohrbacher [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)