
Koji Hasebe

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5EEGergei Bana, Koji Hasebe, Mitsuhiro Okada: Computational Semantics for Basic Protocol Logic - A Stochastic Approach. ASIAN 2007: 86-94
4EEKoji Hasebe, Mitsuhiro Okada: Completeness and Counter-Example Generations of a Basic Protocol Logic: (Extended Abstract). Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 147(1): 73-92 (2006)
3EEKoji Hasebe, Mitsuhiro Okada: Inferences on Honesty in Compositional Logic for Protocol Analysis. ISSS 2003: 65-86
2EEKoji Hasebe, Mitsuhiro Okada: A Logical Verification Method for Security Protocols Based on Linear Logic and BAN Logic. ISSS 2002: 417-440
1EEKoji Hasebe, Mitsuhiro Okada: Formal Analysis of the iKP Electronic Payment Protocols. ISSS 2002: 441-460

Coauthor Index

1Gergei Bana [5]
2Mitsuhiro Okada [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)