
Frank W. Hartel

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6EENatalya Fridman Noy, Sherri de Coronado, Harold Solbrig, Gilberto Fragoso, Frank W. Hartel, Mark A. Musen: Representing the NCI Thesaurus in OWL DL: Modeling tools help modeling languages. Applied Ontology 3(3): 173-190 (2008)
5EENicholas Sioutos, Sherri de Coronado, Margaret W. Haber, Frank W. Hartel, Wen-Ling Shaiu, Lawrence W. Wright: NCI Thesaurus: A semantic model integrating cancer-related clinical and molecular information. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(1): 30-43 (2007)
4EEFrank W. Hartel, Sherri de Coronado, Robert Dionne, Gilberto Fragoso, Jennifer Golbeck: Modeling a description logic vocabulary for cancer research. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 38(2): 114-129 (2005)
3EEIndra Neil Sarkar, M. N. Cantor, R. Gelman, Frank W. Hartel, Yves A. Lussier: Linking Biomedical Language Information and Knowledge Resources in the 21st Century: GO and UMLS. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2003: 427-450
2 Peter A. Covitz, Frank W. Hartel, Carl Schaefer, Sherri de Coronado, Gilberto Fragoso, Himanso Sahni, Scott Gustafson, Kenneth H. Buetow: caCORE: A common infrastructure for cancer informatics. Bioinformatics 19(18): 2404-2412 (2003)
1EEJennifer Golbeck, Gilberto Fragoso, Frank W. Hartel, James A. Hendler, Jim Oberthaler, Bijan Parsia: The National Cancer Institute's Thésaurus and Ontology. J. Web Sem. 1(1): 75-80 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth H. Buetow [2]
2M. N. Cantor [3]
3Sherri de Coronado [2] [4] [5] [6]
4Peter A. Covitz [2]
5Robert Dionne [4]
6Gilberto Fragoso [1] [2] [4] [6]
7R. Gelman [3]
8Jennifer Golbeck [1] [4]
9Scott Gustafson [2]
10Margaret W. Haber [5]
11James A. Hendler (Jim Hendler) [1]
12Yves A. Lussier [3]
13Mark A. Musen [6]
14Natalya Fridman Noy (Natasha Fridman Noy, Natasha F. Noy) [6]
15Jim Oberthaler [1]
16Bijan Parsia [1]
17Himanso Sahni [2]
18Indra Neil Sarkar [3]
19Carl Schaefer [2]
20Wen-Ling Shaiu [5]
21Nicholas Sioutos [5]
22Harold Solbrig [6]
23Lawrence W. Wright [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)