
Jürgen Harms

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8 Alassane Diop, Amine Berqia, Jürgen Harms: Remote Real Laboratory: Linux Installation and Configuration. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 232-236
7EELassaâd Gannoun, Julien Francioli, Stanislav Chachkov, Frédéric Schütz, Jarle Hulaas, Jürgen Harms: Domain Name eXchange: A Mobile-Agent-Based Shared Registry System. IEEE Internet Computing 4(2): 59-64 (2000)
6 Jarle Hulaas, Alex Villazón, Jürgen Harms: Using Interfaces to Specify Access Rights. Secure Internet Programming 1999: 453-468
5EEJarle Hulaas, Alex Villazón, Jürgen Harms: A Multi-level Interface Structure for the Selective Publication of Services in an Open Environment. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 293
4EEVito Baggiolini, Jürgen Harms: Toward Automatic, Run-Time Fault Management for Component-Based Applications. ECOOP Workshops 1997: 327-331
3 Eduardo Solana, Jürgen Harms: Flexible Internet Secure Transactions Based on Collaborative Domains. Security Protocols Workshop 1997: 37-51
2EEEduardo Solana, Vito Baggiolini, Mira Ramluckun, Jürgen Harms: Automatic and Reliable Elimination of E-mail Loops Based on Statistical Analysis. LISA 1996: 139-144
1 Vito Baggiolini, Eduardo Solana, Jean-François Paccini, Mira Ramluckun, Stephane Spahni, Jürgen Harms: The distributed management tree - applying a new concept for managing distributed applications to e-mail. Integrated Network Management 1995: 708

Coauthor Index

1Vito Baggiolini [1] [2] [4]
2Amine Berqia [8]
3Stanislav Chachkov [7]
4Alassane Diop [8]
5Julien Francioli [7]
6Lassaâd Gannoun [7]
7Jarle Hulaas [5] [6] [7]
8Jean-François Paccini [1]
9Mira Ramluckun [1] [2]
10Frédéric Schütz [7]
11Eduardo Solana [1] [2] [3]
12Stephane Spahni [1]
13Alex Villazón [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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