
Lasse Harjumaa

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12EEJouni Kokkoniemi, Lasse Harjumaa: From Software Documents to Experience Knowledge Based Artifacts. HICSS 2009: 1-9
11 Lasse Harjumaa, Tytti Pokka, Heidi Moisanen, Jukka Sirviö: Working Time Usage and Tracking in a Small Software Development Organization. ICSOFT (ISDM/ABF) 2008: 168-173
10EELasse Harjumaa, Jouni Markkula, Markku Oivo: How Does a Measurement Programme Evolve in Software Organizations?. PROFES 2008: 230-243
9EELasse Harjumaa, Ilkka Tervonen, Sirpa Salmela: Steering the inspection process with prescriptive metrics and process patterns. QSIC 2008: 285-293
8 Jouni Lappalainen, Lasse Harjumaa, Jukka Sirviö, Tytti Pokka, Heidi Moisanen, Hanna Leskinen: A Comparison of Time Tracking Tools for Software Developers. SEKE 2008: 91-96
7EELasse Harjumaa, Ilkka Tervonen, Anna Huttunen: Peer Reviews in Real Life - Motivators and Demotivators. QSIC 2005: 29-36
6EELasse Harjumaa: A pattern approach to software inspection process improvement. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 10(4): 455-465 (2005)
5EELasse Harjumaa, Ilkka Tervonen, Pekka Vuorio: Using Software Inspection as a Catalyst for SPI in a Small Company. PROFES 2004: 62-75
4EELasse Harjumaa, Ilkka Tervonen, Pekka Vuorio: Improving Software Inspection Process with Patterns. QSIC 2004: 118-125
3EEIlkka Tervonen, Juha Iisakka, Lasse Harjumaa: A Tailored Capability Model for Inspection Process Improvement. APAQS 2001: 275-282
2EELasse Harjumaa, Henrik Hedberg, Ilkka Tervonen: A Path to Virtual Software Inspection. APAQS 2001: 283-287
1EELasse Harjumaa, Ilkka Tervonen: A WWW-Based Tool for Software Inspection. HICSS (3) 1998: 379-388

Coauthor Index

1Henrik Hedberg [2]
2Anna Huttunen [7]
3Juha Iisakka [3]
4Jouni Kokkoniemi [12]
5Jouni Lappalainen [8]
6Hanna Leskinen [8]
7Jouni Markkula [10]
8Heidi Moisanen [8] [11]
9Markku Oivo [10]
10Tytti Pokka [8] [11]
11Sirpa Salmela [9]
12Jukka Sirviö [8] [11]
13Ilkka Tervonen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9]
14Pekka Vuorio [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)