
Thomas Hardjono

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27EEThomas Hardjono, Hugh Harney: Group Security Policy Management for IP Multicast and Group Security. NETWORKING 2002: 1123-1128
26EELakshminath R. Dondeti, Brian Haberman, Haldon J. Sandick, Thomas Hardjono, Haixiang He: MBA: A Tool for Multicast Billing and Accounting. ISCC 2001: 172-177
25 Thomas Hardjono, Mark Baugher, Hugh Harney: Group Security Association (GSA) Management in IP Multicast. SEC 2001: 213-228
24EEThomas Hardjono, Mark Baugher, Hugh Harney: Group Key Management for IP Multicast: Model & Architecture. WETICE 2001: 223-228
23EEThomas Hardjono: Router-Assistance for Receiver Access Control in PIM-SM. ISCC 2000: 687-692
22EEThomas Hardjono: RP-Based Multicast Receiver Access Control in PIM-SM. NETWORKING 2000: 120-131
21EEBrad Cain, Thomas Hardjono: Collection servers: an architecture for multicast receiver reporting. ACM Multimedia (2) 1999: 107-109
20 Thomas Hardjono, Brad Cain: PIM -SM Security: Interdomain Issues and Solutions. Communications and Multimedia Security 1999: 191-208
19EEThomas Hardjono: Key Management Framework for IP Multicast Infrastructure Security. IS&N 1999: 385-398
18EEThomas Hardjono, Brad Cain: A Secure Group Membership Verification Protocol for IP Multicast. ISCC 1999: 9-15
17 Thomas Hardjono, Naganand Doraswamy, Brad Cain: An Architecture for Conference-Support Using Secured Multicast. HPN 1998: 79-93
16EEThomas Hardjono, Brad Cain: Secure and Scalable Inter-Domain Group Key Management for N-to-N Multicast. ICPADS 1998: 478-
15 Thomas Hardjono, Jennifer Seberry: Replicating the Kuperee authentication server for increased security and reliability. ACISP 1996: 14-26
14 Vijay Varadharajan, Thomas Hardjono: Security model for distributed object framework and its applicability to CORBA. SEC 1996: 452-463
13 Azad Jiwa, Thomas Hardjono, Jennifer Seberry: Beacons for Authentication in Distributed Systems. Journal of Computer Security 4(1): 81-96 (1996)
12 Thomas Hardjono, Jennifer Seberry: Information Security in Mobile Databases. Australasian Database Conference 1995: 0-
11EEThomas Hardjono, Jennifer Seberry: Applications of smartcards for anonymous and verifiable databases. Computers & Security 14(5): 465-472 (1995)
10EEThomas Hardjono, Jennifer Seberry: Authentication via Multi-Service Tickets in the Kuperee Server. ESORICS 1994: 143-160
9 Thomas Hardjono, Yuliang Zheng, Jennifer Seberry: Kuperee: An Approach to Authentication using Public Keys. ULPAA 1994: 65-76
8 Yuliang Zheng, Thomas Hardjono, Jennifer Seberry: Reusing Shares in Secret Sharing Schemes. Comput. J. 37(3): 199-205 (1994)
7EEThomas Hardjono, Tadashi Ohta: Secure end-to-end delegations in distributed systems. Computer Communications 17(3): 230-238 (1994)
6EEThomas Hardjono, Yuliang Zheng, Jennifer Seberry: Database authentication revisited. Computers & Security 13(7): 573-580 (1994)
5 Thomas Hardjono, Tadashi Ohta: Fixed-Path Proxy-Logins with Assured Termination. ICCI 1993: 111-115
4 Thomas Hardjono, Yuliang Zheng: A Practical Digital Multisignature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms. AUSCRYPT 1992: 122-132
3 Yuliang Zheng, Thomas Hardjono, Josef Pieprzyk: Sibling Intractable Function Families and Their Applications (Extended Abstract). ASIACRYPT 1991: 124-138
2 Thomas Hardjono: Record Encryption in Distributed Databases. AUSCRYPT 1990: 386-395
1EEThomas Hardjono, Jennifer Seberry: Search Key Substitution in the Encipherment of B-Trees. VLDB 1990: 50-58

Coauthor Index

1Mark Baugher [24] [25]
2Brad Cain [16] [17] [18] [20] [21]
3Lakshminath R. Dondeti [26]
4Naganand Doraswamy [17]
5Brian Haberman [26]
6Hugh Harney [24] [25] [27]
7Haixiang He [26]
8Azad Jiwa [13]
9Tadashi Ohta [5] [7]
10Josef Pieprzyk [3]
11Haldon J. Sandick [26]
12Jennifer Seberry (Jennifer Seberry Wallis) [1] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15]
13Vijay Varadharajan [14]
14Yuliang Zheng [3] [4] [6] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)