
Manas Hardas

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7EEJaved I. Khan, Kailas B. Bobade, Manas Hardas: Personalized Negotiation Based on Individualization: Incorporating Personalization into Peer-to-Peer System. ITNG 2008: 615-621
6EEJaved Khan, Manas Hardas: A Technique for Representing Course Knowledge Using Ontologies and Assessing Test Problems. AWIC 2007: 174-179
5 Javed I. Khan, Kailas B. Bobade, Manas Hardas: Intra-federation credential negotiation based on individualized release strategy. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2007: 139-144
4 Javed I. Khan, Manas Hardas: Hierarchical Course Knowledge Representation using Ontologies. IICAI 2007: 1684-1698
3EEJaved I. Khan, Manas Hardas: Observing knowledge clustering for educational resources using a course ontology. K-CAP 2007: 193-194
2EEJaved I. Khan, Yongbin Ma, Manas Hardas: Course Composition Based on Semantic Topical Dependency. Web Intelligence 2006: 502-505
1EEJaved I. Khan, Manas Hardas, Yongbin Ma: A Study of Problem Difficulty Evaluation for Semantic Network Ontology Based Intelligent Courseware Sharing. Web Intelligence 2005: 426-429

Coauthor Index

1Kailas B. Bobade [5] [7]
2Javed Khan [6]
3Javed I. Khan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
4Yongbin Ma [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)