
Heiko Harborth

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24EEJens-P. Bode, Hans-Dietrich O. F. Gronau, Heiko Harborth: Some Ramsey Schur Numbers. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 14(1-2): 25-30 (2005)
23EEJens-P. Bode, Heiko Harborth: Directed paths of diagonals within polygons. Discrete Mathematics 299(1-3): 3-10 (2005)
22EEJens-P. Bode, Heiko Harborth, Martin Harborth: King independence on triangle boards. Discrete Mathematics 266(1-3): 101-107 (2003)
21EEJens-P. Bode, Heiko Harborth: Independence for knights on hexagon and triangle boards. Discrete Mathematics 272(1): 27-35 (2003)
20EEHeiko Harborth: Special numbers of crossings for complete graphs. Discrete Mathematics 244(1-3): 95-102 (2002)
19EEHeiko Harborth: Eulerian straight ahead cycles in drawings of complete bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 230(1-3): 45-48 (2001)
18EEHeiko Harborth, Ingrid Mengersen: Ramsey numbers in octahedron graphs. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 241-246 (2001)
17EEHeiko Harborth, Christian Thürmann: Smallest limited snakes in d-grids. Discrete Mathematics 236(1-3): 145-149 (2001)
16EEArnfried Kemnitz, Heiko Harborth: Plane integral drawings of planar graphs. Discrete Mathematics 236(1-3): 191-195 (2001)
15EEJens-P. Bode, Heiko Harborth: Hexagonal polyomino achievement. Discrete Mathematics 212(1-2): 5-18 (2000)
14EEHeiko Harborth, Hanno Lefmann: Coloring arcs of convex sets. Discrete Mathematics 220(1-3): 107-117 (2000)
13EEHeiko Harborth, Meinhard Möller: Weakened Ramsey Numbers. Discrete Applied Mathematics 95(1-3): 279-284 (1999)
12EEHeiko Harborth, Silke Maasberg: All two-color Rado numbers for a(x + y) = bz. Discrete Mathematics 197-198: 397-407 (1999)
11EEHeiko Harborth: Empty triangles in drawings of the complete graph. Discrete Mathematics 191(1-3): 109-111 (1998)
10EEHeiko Harborth, Silke Maasberg: Rado Numbers fora(x+y)=bz. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 80(2): 356-363 (1997)
9EEHeiko Harborth, Lothar Piepmeyer: Zero-Sum Ramsey Numbers modulo 3. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 75(1): 145-147 (1996)
8EEHolger Brandes, Heiko Harborth, Hans-Dietrich O. F. Gronau, Christian Schwahn: Ramsey numbers for sets of small graphs. Discrete Mathematics 125(1-3): 73-86 (1994)
7 Heiko Harborth, Arnfried Kemnitz, Meinhard Möller: An Upper Bound for the Minimum Diameter of Integral Point Sets. Discrete & Computational Geometry 9: 427-432 (1993)
6EEHeiko Harborth: Plane four-regular graphs with vertex-to-vertex unit triangles. Discrete Mathematics 97(1-3): 219-222 (1991)
5EEKnut Dehnhardt, Heiko Harborth: Universal tilings of the plane by 0-1-matrices. Discrete Mathematics 73(1-2): 65-70 (1989)
4EEHeiko Harborth, Philipp Oertel, Thomas Prellberg: No-three-in-line for seventeen and nineteen. Discrete Mathematics 73(1-2): 89-90 (1989)
3EEHeiko Harborth, Ingrid Mengersen: All Ramsey numbers for five vertices and seven or eight edges. Discrete Mathematics 73(1-2): 91-98 (1989)
2EEHeiko Harborth, Ingrid Mengersen: Point sets with many unit circles. Discrete Mathematics 60: 193-197 (1986)
1 Heiko Harborth: Solution of Steinhaus's Problem with Plus and Minus Signs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 12(2): 253-259 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1Jens-P. Bode [15] [21] [22] [23] [24]
2Holger Brandes [8]
3Knut Dehnhardt [5]
4Hans-Dietrich O. F. Gronau [8] [24]
5Martin Harborth [22]
6Arnfried Kemnitz [7] [16]
7Hanno Lefmann [14]
8Silke Maasberg [10] [12]
9Ingrid Mengersen [2] [3] [18]
10Meinhard Möller [7] [13]
11Philipp Oertel [4]
12Lothar Piepmeyer [9]
13Thomas Prellberg [4]
14Christian Schwahn [8]
15Christian Thürmann [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)