
Noboru Harada

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4EEYutaka Kamamoto, Noboru Harada, Takehiro Moriya: Lossless compression of biomedical signals by MPEG-4 ALS with enhanced encoding tools. MMSP 2008: 153-158
3EEYutaka Kamamoto, Noboru Harada, Takehiro Moriya: Multichannel Linear Prediction Method Compliant with the MPEG-4 ALS. IEICE Transactions 91-A(3): 756-762 (2008)
2EENoboru Harada, Hitoshi Ohmuro, Kazunori Mano: A 5-kHz-bandwidth low-bit-rate speech coder: Bandwidth, noisiness, and opinion scores. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(14): 110-119 (2002)
1 Yoshinobu Sato, Jian Chen, Shuzo Yamamoto, Shinichi Tamura, Noboru Harada, Takeshi Shiga, Seiyo Harino, Yusuke Oshima: Measuring Microcirculation Using Spatiotemporal Image Analysis. CVRMed 1995: 302-308

Coauthor Index

1Jian Chen [1]
2Seiyo Harino [1]
3Yutaka Kamamoto [3] [4]
4Kazunori Mano [2]
5Takehiro Moriya [3] [4]
6Hitoshi Ohmuro [2]
7Yusuke Oshima [1]
8Yoshinobu Sato [1]
9Takeshi Shiga [1]
10Shinichi Tamura [1]
11Shuzo Yamamoto [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)