
Kevin Hapeshi

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3 Clive Frankish, Dylan M. Jones, Kevin Hapeshi: Decline in Accuracy of Automatic Speech Recognition as Function of Time on Task: Fatigue or Voice Drift? International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 36(6): 797-816 (1992)
2 Dylan M. Jones, Kevin Hapeshi, Clive Frankish: Human Factors and the Problems of Evaluation in the Design of Speech Systems Interfaces. BCS HCI 1987: 41-49
1 Kevin Hapeshi, Nicholas J. Belkin: Developping and evaluating an automatic on-line information retrieval system based on user problem statements. RIAO 1985: 681-698

Coauthor Index

1Nicholas J. Belkin [1]
2Clive Frankish [2] [3]
3Dylan M. Jones [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)