
Leif Hanlen

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8EERoy C. Timo, Kim Blackmore, Leif Hanlen: Word-Valued Sources: an Ergodic Theorem, an AEP and the Conservation of Entropy CoRR abs/0904.3778: (2009)
7EELeif Hanlen, Thushara D. Abhayapala: Bounds on Space-Time-Frequency Dimensionality CoRR abs/cs/0701055: (2007)
6EELeif Hanlen, Thushara D. Abhayapala: Space-Time-Frequency Degrees of Freedom: Fundamental Limits for Spatial Information CoRR abs/cs/0701056: (2007)
5EERoy C. Timo, Leif Hanlen: MANETs: Routing Overhead and Reliability. VTC Spring 2006: 1107-1111
4EEGlenn Dickins, Terence Betlehem, Leif Hanlen: A stochastic MIMO model utilising spatial dimensionality and modes. VTC Spring 2006: 2833-2837
3EELeif Hanlen, Minyue Fu: Wireless communication systems with-spatial diversity: a volumetric model. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(1): 133-142 (2006)
2EELeif Hanlen, Alex J. Grant: Optimal Transmit Covariance for Ergodic MIMO Channels CoRR abs/cs/0510060: (2005)
1EERam Somaraju, Leif Hanlen: Uncertainty Principles for Signal Concentrations CoRR abs/cs/0512030: (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Thushara D. Abhayapala [6] [7]
2Terence Betlehem [4]
3Kim Blackmore [8]
4Glenn Dickins [4]
5Minyue Fu [3]
6Alex J. Grant (Alexander J. Grant) [2]
7Ram Somaraju [1]
8Roy C. Timo [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)